Chapter 5

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"Look, mum, it was Mary who triggered me! You know I don't just do these types of things for no reason!" I defended as I looked at my mum pleadingly.

I knew I was going to get punished _ that was a given fact _ but I hope that I'd at least have to do the punishment after my birthday.

My mum simply sighed and said, "I know, sweetheart... I know... But you will be punished. Just not today."

From the moment my mum said that, my eyes lit up _ I at least had my birthday to celebrate.

"Oh and make sure to clean yourself up! I don't know how the school could survive without a nurse,"

I quickly hugged my mum and thanked her before rushing to the toilet to do what my mother asked.

After that, I ran to my room and went to choose a book to read.

I browsed my bookshelves for something to read. The collection of books I had all belonged to dad _ other than the few new ones.

Mark told me that dad used to always read him stories before bed and even read to me when I was born.

Anyways, as I was browsing through my books, I saw familiar book just waiting there to be opened again.

Grinning, I lifted the book from the shelf and turned it over.

On the cover was an image of an incredible palace with the word "Celestiam" written on it in gold writing.

I don't know who wrote it or who illustrated it. All I knew is that it came from my dad.

When Mark was younger, he used to stick with me all day long _ he'd play with me and look after me while mum searched for jobs.

He used to tell me about the magical beasts and enchanted adventures that happened in this world next door.

I remembered that I used to always look forward to storytime at the end of the day.

Slowly, I flicked through the pages and saw the many illustrations of this magical world.

I grinned as I stared at the incredible amount of detail that was put into this book.

It was almost as if someone was actually there, painting an exact replica of the landmark.

All my life, I wanted a world like that to exist. A world where I can run away from my life and to a new world where I can start fresh.

I wanted that more that anything.

Anyway, after staring at my book for a few minutes, I fell asleep.

When I opened my eyes, I saw myself in an incredibly green landscape. As I turned around I gasped _ I saw the castle.

It was made out of crystals. From where I was standing, I could see two unicorn statues facing each other near the entrance.

I then gasped when I saw how tall the castle was _ I couldn't even begin to describe it.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a shadow appeared and whispered, "I will be the victor. Just you wait and see."

Immediately after he said that, I gasped awake. I have never dreamed of something so... so... realistic.

Most of the time, I would dream about zebras turning into unicorns and then skipping away to Wonderland _ I know I'm weird.

Anyways, as I caught my breath, I realised something.

The flat was silent. Deadly silent.

Dun... dun... duuuun...

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