Chapter 8

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I took a shaky breath as I nodded my head: I didn't know why I was nervous, I just felt that way.

"First of all, sorry for the carpet," I said quietly, gesturing to the pile of vomit on the floor.

"Oh, no it's fine dear, we'll get it cleaned up," the woman said kindly _ at least she didn't want to kill me after that.

"You see, you are not like the normal people on Earth. You are one of us. We aren't just normal people as we appear to be _ we are Celestians. Celestians are born with incredible abilities. Abilities that could shake the world to its core. We can't live on Earth, we could destroy it by accident. So, we had to move to another world _ Celestiam. We have been looking for you from the moment the first signs of your powers showed, however it was only until today that we were able to track you down and send Ash to get you," Mrs Fox explained.

"Are you people insane? You must be, right? I bet you this is some mental asylum or some bleep... Oh my God, did you people stalk me?" I blurted out as Mrs Fox grinned, probably expecting it.

"Let me prove it," Mrs Fox said simply as she looked at me.

All of a sudden, her eyes changed colour and her body started to become shorter.

Eventually, the woman turned into something much more familiar. Me.

"What the bleep!" I exclaimed as Mrs Fox turned back into... herself...

"Don't use that language!" She snapped as I rolled my eyes. Bleep isn't even a swear word.

It's like my substitute swear word which is 100% family-friendly. Yeah, I like keeping it PG!

Anyway, I then asked, "Is this like a school?"

"How did you know?" Mrs Fox asked, clearly taken aback.

"First of all, this room looks like an office and second of all, you called me a promising student," I replied as the two of them marvelled at my observational skills (aka my Sherlock Holmes mode).

After Mrs Fox composed herself, she then said, "Indeed, this is a school. Welcome to Magus Academy. One of our main tasks is to recruit Celesians from Earth and bring them back home. Now, I will get a timetable ready for you soon. Ash knows where your dorm room is and your roommate has your keys. We will get you some spare clothes for now and you will get a tour tomorrow. Now, Ash, will you please take Lisa to her room."

"Wait!" I called out before Ash could stand up, "What about my family?"

"That depends on your family's knowledge. However, there may be some ways to contact them. You are dismissed," Mrs Fox answered as me and Ash walked out of the office.

I furrowed my brows at that vague explanation and followed Ash our of the room.

That was totally not weird and overwhelming.

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