Chapter 20

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Finally, the school bell rang, causing hundreds of students to scurry to class.

I took a deep breath in and walked to my class. Luckily for me, I was with Maxine and was able to just follow her to class.

Once I entered, I heard a stern voice yell, "GET OUT OF MY CLASSROOM!"

As soon as the woman said that, a boy scampered out of the classroom muttering an apology to the teacher.

"Ummm... Miss Brookes?" Maxine began as we entered the classroom, "The new student is here."

Almost instantly, the woman in front of us smiled warmly and said, "Hello, dear, welcome to the history of magic. My name is Miss Brookes and I'll be your teacher for the rest of the year."

The woman then gestured to a desk in the middle of the room, "You can sit there."

I walked over to my desk feeling the judging eyes of students follow me. I could hear silent mutters but chose to ignore them.

Finally, once I sat down, the class began.

We were learning about the origin story of Celestiam. About the four founders and the elements. The story that dad's book contained.

The story of the four Founders, beings with immeasurable power, who had teamed up with the elements to create their own world. A world where they can be all-powerful and bleep without blowing everyone up.

According to the story, the Founders had gifted each element with a human body and filled the world with humans who accepted magic.

And then blah blah, reproduction, blah, blah.

Though, what really terrified me was the fact that the royals were all direct descendants from the Elements.

Meaning I bleeped off one hell of a strong guy.

Meaning I might as well have just died right there and then.

Bleep my life.

After history, I walked over to beast taming. This time, I had no one with me and boy was I nervous!

I mean, I'm not antisocial or anything, I swear. The only thing that really bothers me is the fact that practically everyone knows me as the girl who yelled at a prince.

That's pretty ridiculous I know! Honestly, my stupid big mouth will probably get me killed one day!

Anyway, on my way to beast taming, I heard a loud roar. I literally couldn't wait to get eaten alive by a monster that I have no clue about. *note the sarcasm*

I took a deep breath before walking into the class.

I was met with a boring teacher called Mr Cameron and a whole lot of staring.

After beast training, I headed over to battle training _ why in the name of bleep do all my lessons have to be without my friends.

Anyway, I met coach Meg, who practically squeezed every ounce of energy out of us, and Martha, a classmate who was unnaturally sporty and possibly a masochist.

Later on was art, where my teacher, Mr Twist, made me stare at a paintbrush for the whole lesson trying to make it move.

Obviously, it didn't work... I mean... Still had no clue how to unlock the magic bleep...

By the end of art, I was already exhausted and really wanted school to end.

How the bleep was I expected to survive for the whole day? I have no idea.

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