Chapter 11

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Both Ash and Maxine had to make sure I didn't wander off on my own.

To be honest, I almost did that like three times.

This place was gigantic! I couldn't even begin to describe it. I mean, all the walls were white and there were display boards all over the place.

Not only that but there were soooo many stairs and soooo many corridors and soooo many lockers... wait lockers?

In a magical school, I did not expect some average lockers. I was lost in thought, thinking about what sort of magical twist there was when I felt a tug on my arm.

"Lisa, we're here," Maxine said as she dragged me to the canteen. (For you Americans that means cafeteria) 

I think I almost fainted when I saw it.

The canteen was huge!

There were soooo many tables almost filled with people, there were plates flying about all over the place and, from the corner of my eye, I could see a girl and a boy waving us over.

Maxine grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the two new faces and whispered, "Brace yourself,"

That totally helped my nerves! (Note the sarcasm) thanks a lot, Maxine! Honestly, that was like the worst thing to say to me! As if telling someone who had just recently been transported to some magical world to mentally prepare themselves will actually help calm their nerves.

Once we reached the table, I was almost instantly bombarded with questions from the girl: she had blonde hair and deep blue eyes and was incredibly taller than me.

"Who are you? Are you new here? What's your name? Where are you from? Are you Maxine's roommate? What do you think about this school so far? Are you hungry? Mash potatoes or chips?" The girl questioned.

I simply blinked, taken aback. I mean, I just met the woman and she's already interrogating me.

"Easy, Soph! The girl only just met you!" The boy said _ I could immediately tell where his accent was from.

"Ummm... excuse me, but are you French?" I asked as the boy's strange violet eyes lit up.

"Ah, so you are from Earth too. Charles Fox, pleasure," he said as I shook his hands. I immediately recognized his surname but I wasn't quite sure where from.

"Lisa Stone," I replied casually. At least, I was trying to play it casual. The boy had violet eyes!

"I'm Sophie Regall, welcome to your new home," the girl said smiling warmly.

I was genuinely surprised. So many people were nice in this world. You know what, Celestiam was probably like the opposite of Earth.

By then I was mentally dancing in joy. New world, new people, bleeping friends and huge stuff.

In all seriousness though, it was almost as if I became a new person _ I already made sooooo many new friends.

I would usually stray away from people so I wouldn't get hurt but I think I might just change that.

Just this once.

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