Chapter 2

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After a luxurious breakfast of dry cereal, I changed into my (actually my brother's) clothes. I wore a black skull shirt (which now looks almost grey) and ripped cameo trousers (which are more like green jeans).

I also still wore the necklace that mum gave me

Taking a deep breath, I walked out of our apartment, yelling goodbye to mum and Mark and then sprinting down the old, wooden staircase.

I hurriedly ran out of the building before rushing towards my school.

I know what you're probably thinking. Why on Earth am I running so quickly?

Well, you see, I may or may not have a reputation for "borrowing" things without permission.

What? Don't look at me like that! I was only eleven then! (I know that's not very young).

Also, we were poor and needed food back then! The government barely gave us enough and we didn't have a food bank nearby, ok?

Besides, it looked super appetising and I wanted to taste something that wasn't the same price as a kiddie toothbrush.

They also don't really teach us morals at school... or maybe they did and I wasn't listening. It's probably the latter. Anyway, most of the people who know me, hate me.

Which is why, my dear friends, I came up with the genius plan of running all over the place! Well, it's not very effective but meh!

Finally, I reached my school: it was a large building made of bricks with a scarce amount of windows.

The playground looked more like an empty bare piece of land except for the fact that there was one slide and swing in the very corner.

So, my school was basically a prison for poor people. Yay!

Once I entered the front gates I was immediately pushed to the ground. (I am still annoyed at the fact that this happened on my birthday!)

I looked up to see the one and only Mary Lewis, the person who started this whole mess.

She was the one who back chatted about me. She was the one who made fun of me in a time of pain. She was the person I crushed in my dreams.

Mary had bleached hair and green eyes (which are contacts by the way)

She is the richest of us poor kids, to be honest, I think she just came to this school to torment us.

Or torment me.

I never understood why she hated me so much. Maybe it's because I was the easiest victim. Or maybe, something happened between our parents.

"Happy birthday, Stone!" Mary sneered as I glared at her, "What? Cat got your tongue? Or are you just scared?"

Almost instantly, I felt my blood boil: I always hated being called weak and clearly, Mary knew that. Shakily, I took a deep breath and did what I was best at.


"Actually, I'm amazing! Especially after the dream I had! Do you want to know what it was about?" I said smiling brightly as I thought of Mary's reaction.

When she didn't say anything, I just helped myself up, grinning cockily at Mary and said, "Oh well, I guess you really didn't want to know about how I easily crushed your tiny body."

"In your dreams, Stone!" Mary snapped, "You won't even get near me!"

"That's only cause you have all your little minions running around the place like a bunch of mindless slaves!"

"They are my friends! At least I have some," Mary spat bitterly.

"Well, I don't need friends and you'll be able to see that when I'll so easily beat you up!" I snapped.

"You're bluffing! Should I tell you how I know? Because you're a worthless lying scum just like you da-" and that's when all hell broke loose.

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