Chapter 33

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I then walked over to the dining room, curiously. The table was already set out with the table cloth, the plates and all the cutlery.

There was also a bowl of soup (that smelt amazing) at each seat and some other dishes in the middle of the table.

Quicker than you can say "narwhals are unicorns in disguise" all the royals came rushing in.

The two boys, Leo and Blaze were racing each other as the girls laughed loudly. Jamie simply passed them all, shaking his head in disapproval.

They all sat at the table, oblivious to my slight discomfort.

I mean, I have to try to sit down without sitting in someone else's seat, which as we all know, is a line no one should ever dare cross.

So, I just stood there, like the awkward girl I am, and waited for everyone else to sit down.

Unfortunately for me, the final seat left was at the head of the table, right next to Jamie.

"NO!" I suddenly yelled, causing all heads to snap in my direction. I muttered an apology, with my cheeks burning, before walking over to the remaining seat.

"Idiot," I heard Jamie growl under his breath, barely loud enough for me to hear him.

"Jerk," I spat at him, as everyone else started eating their soup.

"Incompetent fool," he then replied, drinking from the cup of water next to him.

"Stupid idiot,"  I snapped, slurping my soup.

"You shouldn't slurp, it's rude!" Jamie muttered, nudging me.

"You shouldn't criticize me, it's mean," I muttered back, nudging him even harder.

"Don't nudge me, that's also rude." Jamie pointed out, causing my blood to boil.

"Shut up, you hypocrite! You started it!" I yelled, causing all the royals to look at us confusedly.

"Well, you shouldn't have retaliated!" He snapped back.

At that moment, I just couldn't take it. I poured my cup of water all over Jamie's hair.

"Oops, my mistake!" I said sarcastically.

I then gasped as I felt a cold liquid soak my clothes. I looked up to find Jamie with his eyes and hands glowing.

"Oops," he simply said as I roared in anger.

I then stormed out of the dining room angrily, barely paying attention to where I was going.

What is it with that boy that made me hate him so much?

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