Chapter 43

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I saw about half of the teachers run towards the door. Me, Sophie, Ash and Maxine followed in suit.

We found about two of the popular kids who left the room with Charles on the floor sobbing.

Bleep, sobbing was not a good sign. Sobbing was never a good sign!

"T-they're gone..." one of them sniffed, her makeup was now completely messed up.

"As in... all of them?" Ash asked quietly. The two girls, however, were still crying.

I had a sinking feeling in my stomach that everyone meant a certain French boy.

"WHERE IS CHARLES?" Sophie suddenly yelled. I literally had to hold her back from doing anything to the poor girls.

I was slightly tempted, as well, to kill those two girls, however, I couldn't. At least not with a friend who's literally on the verge of crying like a maniac.

"I'm sorry..." the girl whispered, "He's gone too."

"Charles," Sophie whispered as she gripped my hand tightly.

When we got back, Sophie suddenly collapsed and began to panic.

Me and the other two led her towards the royal's table and sat her down, Sophie continuously sobbed, her cries were heard all around the canteen.

"Was it him?" Liz asked: we immediately knew who she was talking about.

I simply nodded. Neither me nor Sophie could talk. I kept my hand on my friend's shoulder whilst she sobbed her heart out with her face against the table.

"Him and a group of idiotic popular kids," Maxine added as she patted Sophie's back reassuringly.

Oddly, Ash didn't have any clever pun to say; he was uncharacteristically quiet.

To be honest, we all were.

Even Blaze and Leo were silent. It was as if someone pressed the off switch on all of our big mouths.

Sophie was literally inconsolable. I could tell that if we don't find Charles any time soon, she may never be the same again.

We stayed there for a while, trying to comfort our friend. Obviously to no avail.

Eventually, Sophie lay her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes, her sobs became quieter

"Charlie," was what she whispered in my ear. Finally, she closed her eyes and slept.

"We need to find him," I whispered to Maxine as she nodded.

"If we lose Charles, we lose Sophie," Maxine agreed.

That was when my mind started to think of a plan.

Trust me, when I think, incredible things happen.

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