Chapter 18

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I know last chapter was really short and nothing much happened but I promise this will get better.

After breakfast, me and my new friends walked out of the canteen and into the hallway.

"Are you ready for the great grand tour of Magus Academy?" Ash asked in a dramatic voice as I rolled my eyes _ sometimes that boy could be so overdramatic.

"Shut up and get on with it," Maxine snapped as Ash cowered from her stern voice.

"Ok, professor!" Ash said sarcastically, which then earned him a kick in the shins, "Sorry!"

And that my friends is what I like to call Celestian flirting.

We all laughed at the duo's hilarious antics. Well, I say that like they were the funniest people in the world when in fact we were all bored and needed something to laugh at.

During the tour, Ash listed all the pranks he did in each room, Maxine just shook her head disapprovingly and Sophie somehow was able to say a rumour about most rooms.

So... just your typical school tour.

"And this is the royals only section _ where I sleep and study," Sophie said gesturing to a grand staircase in the middle of one of the halls.

It was lined with red carpet and at the very end of the staircase were two tall vases with some weird looking flowers.

"Cool," was the only word I could utter. Suddenly, Sophie growled under her breath as her eyes became a crimson red colour.

I turned around as I saw none other than Jamie Regall walking down the stairs.

"Sophie, you were supposed to be in there after breakfast for the meeting," Jamie said as his eyes met mine. I could feel his intense stare judge me and sighed in relief when he looked away.

"I don't care where I was supposed to be. You're not my father!" Sophie replied through gritted teeth, I could see that her fists were clenched and her eyes started to flicker between black and red.

Note to self: flickering eye colour means bad stuff!

"I know that Sophie but I am your brother and you're supposed to treat me with respect," Jamie replied coolly as if he just dismissed what Sophie just said.

"YOU NEED TO MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS! You lost the right to call yourself my brother the moment you turned on me!" Sophie suddenly yelled, making me jump.

Oh, bleep yeah, more drama to talk about!

Dammit, I'm such a bad friend!

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