Chapter 13

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"Ok, who were those people?" I demanded.

"They're royals," Maxine replied, "The circle of future heirs."

"You see, Celestiam isn't just one world and that's it, we have kingdoms. Five to be exact. Those are all the future kings and queens of those kingdoms. You can also tell which one belongs to which kingdom by their eye colour," Ash explained as I nodded gratefully.

Woah... He can actually say something that wasn't stupid.

As Ash said that, Sophie gritted her teeth. Charles, who sat next to her, tried to comfort her, rubbing his hand against her back soothingly.

I could see her eyes flicker between black and red. It must've been her powers however there were other things that I wanted to ask.

"Who was that boy at the back?" I asked. That was the main thing on my mind.

Charles then replied, "He's her twin, Jamie Regall. He is exactly one minute older than her and is the heir of Ociania _ the water kingdom. Things are... complicated between them."

"He humiliated me, practically disowned me. All for that stupid title," Sophie growled loudly as she clenched her fists, "He's the worst. Making me weaker and weaker and just when I forgive him, he messes up again! He hurt me and yet, we share the same blood."

I looked at Sophie for a few seconds, why on Earth (or should I say Celestiam) would she share that story to someone she just met.

My conclusion, Celestians are weird.

"He's an idiot," I then said as Sophie looked up, her eyes glistening with angry tears, "Because he's missing out on some pretty good people."

The people around me smiled as I then added, "You are the first people other than my family who were ever nice to me."

I then felt Ash put me in a headlock and ruffled my hair whilst everyone else on the table laughed at my expression.

Apparently, laughing was contagious as I burst into a laughing fit causing Ash to release me, laughing loudly.

At that moment, I realised that I found my first ever friends.

Well, more like allies. I still don't trust them enough and I'll make sure to very rarely ever let my guard down. (Totally not in denial or anything)

I could never let my guard down. Not after what that did to me back on Earth.

However, despite this, I felt incredibly good _ I never realized how nice it was to have friends before.

You know what, I think I might start to like living here.

Not that I hated it.

True, I miss mum and Mark more than anything but so much was going through my mind that I couldn't actually think.

I just hoped that they knew about Celestiam. That they knew I was safe.

I desperately wanted that.

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