Chapter 22

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Beep...beep...beep... beep...

That was all I could hear. Just that annoying beeping sound.

You literally have no idea how much I wanted to get rid of that damn sound!

I growled under my breath before I heard people's voices.

I couldn't exactly hear what they said (more like couldn't remember) but I could recognize who they were: Sophie, Maxine, Charles and Ash.

I could hear them, I knew they were there but I still didn't wake up _ I just couldn't be bothered.

Before you start rolling your eyes at me, hear me out. You know that moment when you're half awake and half asleep and all you wanna do is go back to your peaceful deep sleep? Well, that's exactly how I felt.

Finally, after about an hour of struggling, I opened my eyes only to be engulfed in a hug. At least I mentally prepped myself before waking up.

"Oh, my elements! Lisa, you have scared the life out of us!" Sophie yelled, practically making my ears bleed.

"Are you kidding?" Ash then said, "That was awesome! You're in the medical wing and you're only on your first day!"

I looked around the room and saw that I was in a white room in a bed. There was a heart rate monitor thingy attached to my wrist. What? I genuinely don't know what that thing's called!

As soon as he said that Maxine slapped his arm, "Enough with that! We need to know what happened!"

Then, they all looked at me expectantly, as if they thought that I knew what happened. I simply shrugged.

"Ummm... my teacher put her fingers here," I pointed to my temple, whilst speaking in a child-like tone, "And started chanting... Then for some reason, I decided to sleep."

The four of them stared blankly at my explanation, clearly annoyed at my voice.

We then heard someone come into the room. Well, actually two people. We heard two sets of footsteps.

Suddenly, we all turned around to find none other than Mrs Fox and another girl at her side. Both of them were walking at the same pace which was surprising because Mrs Fox was unnaturally fast.

"We might know what happened," the girl said ominously. Oooh... super mysterious character cliché. (Sorry I can't help the sarcasm ok?)

She had blond hair and unnatural, piercing green eyes. Literally, her eyes were like one of the bright green felt-tips you get from a colouring pack.

She looked familiar, I think I've seen her before.

It took a few seconds for it to finally hit me _ the girl was one of the girls from the group in the canteen.

She was a royal. To be more specific, an heir.

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