Chapter 26

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When I woke up, I came face to face with a damp nose.

It took me a long while for me to actually process what happened.

I sleepily stared at a pair of large eyes and let out a loud shriek, "WHAT THE BLEEP IS THIS THING DOING IN MY ROOM?"

I was pretty sure that the whole school heard that. Never mind the school, I was pretty sure that the entirety of Celestiam heard that.

All of a sudden, I heard as series of loud laughs as I looked at the figures who were towering over my bed.

I yelped loudly, I didn't even notice when they got in. Honestly, these people just love scaring me, don't they?

I started to think that Celestians had a habit of scaring people.

The small creature, which turned out to be a dog, leaped off of (haha off of) my bed and turned into Sophie.

I wanted to kill that little devil!

Not only did she do this once, but she did it literally the next day. I kinda wanna kill her just thinking about it.

Anyway, after my poor heart calmed down, I glared at the people around me. I was angry and I needed people to let my anger out on.

"Who told you to come into my room?" I asked rudely as Sophie rolled her eyes at me.

"You were screaming like a dying banshee a few seconds ago, of course we wanted to come," one of the boys said as another burst out laughing.

I studied the person who said that: he had ginger hair and orange eyes.

"Blaze Decus, at your service," the boy, Blaze, said, bowing formally.

"Yo, I'm Leo. This show off will act a little too fancy at times but he's secretly stupid so ignore anything he says," the other boy stated, causally waving.

"My name is Lisa Stone and I would like you to get outta my room before I do something that will make you regret your existence!" I replied as I glared at the duo _ no one wakes up Lisa Stone without getting punished!

Finally, the two royals walked out of the room, clearly noticing my awful mood. Sophie muttered something under her breath before following the others, leaving me to sleep peacefully.

At least, sorta peacefully.

I could hear two voices inside of my room and looked up to see two men with knifes in their hands.

Thanks a lot strange mysterious men! It was like they decided to attack me in the morning only because that was when I was the most annoyed.

I hate this.

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