Chapter 16

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Fun fact: my hair is very similar to Lisa's and I still struggle with brushing it. That was a completely random fact and you didn't need to know that but enjoy!

I'll tell you one thing, Sophie wasn't kidding when she said this would be very painful.

That bleeper was undoubtedly a sadist. A purely evil sadist.

After what felt like an hour of pure agony, I was finally able to tie my hair in a ponytail.

"Well, that's a start," Sophie said, "Next time I'll try to bring one of the Flago princes."

I wasn't really listening: my head felt sooooo numb. It was as if someone pulled out every single strand of my hair and then put them back in. (I know it's probably hard to imagine for all you people with smooth hair)

Bleep you, you very lucky souls.

Finally, me, Maxine and Sophie walked out, heading to the headteacher's office.

I knocked on the door and heard an oddly familiar voice say, "Come in."

"Charles?" I asked entering the room.

"Ah, girls! I've been waiting for you. My mother is in a meeting so she left me in charge," Charles replied, waving innocently as Sophie blushed.

Oh... she likes him... *this is where I smile evilly*

Anyways, I then said, "Oh, so you're the headteacher's son. Lucky you, Charlie-boy."

"Ch-charlie-boy?" Charles inquired, in confusion before sighing, "Anyway, I don't get special attention or anything like that. Ah and here's your timetable. See you later!"

We took that as our cue to leave. I took a sheet of paper from Charles as we all walked towards the door.

Just before we left, I turned to Charles and pointed at him and then Sophie and then made a kissing face, causing him to blush.

(*Insert evil laugh*)

Oh boy, was I gonna have some bleeping fun with this.

I could feel Maxine and Sophie's confused stares as I grinned maliciously, plotting my next evil plan.

I'm such a nice friend, aren't I?

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