Chapter 21

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To be honest, most of my day was pretty average: other than the fact that I met a monster, fought with a sword and attempted to paint using my mind.

It was nearing the end of the day when things got interesting.

After lunch, I waved goodbye to my friends before rushing to my next class _ power control.

I opened the door before I was greeted by a woman who looked to be high on caffeine.

"Hello, dear! Are you the new girl? You look like the new girl. Doesn't she look like the new girl? She's the new girl, isn't she? Welcome to power control! I'm Mrs Weston and I love sugar. I think that's obvious. Everyone says that's obvious! Welcome again!" The woman said all in one breath as I stared at her, rather confused.

I mean, who wouldn't be, that woman looks like she's on a major sugar rush while being high on caffeine and possibly drugs.

Wait a minute, do they do drugs in Celestiam? Oh bleep.

Saying that I was worried was an understatement. Bleeping hell I've seen what drugs can do to people and it is not pretty!

All of a sudden, the woman yanked my hand and started continuously shaking it.

By the time she let go, my arms were sore. I could practically imagine every single person in this room laughing their butts off.

I mean, I totally appreciate the enthusiasm for meeting someone as amazing as me (Don't roll your eyes at me!) but do people really need to pull my arm off?

I simply smiled, slightly weirded out until Mrs Weston finally said, "Now, let's see what your powers are."

"Eh?" Was all I could muster, causing the woman to laugh slightly in amusement.

"My power is the ability to activate other people's power. Kinda useless for myself but it's very exciting for you. Now, take a seat dear child. I SHALL WORK MY MAGIC!" Mrs Weston then yelled dramatically, energy radiating off of her.

She gestured to a seat at the front which I hurriedly sat in. Then, she crouched down in front of me and ordered me to close my eyes.

Then, she pressed her fingers against my temple and started chanting: it felt as if Mrs Weston wanted to summon a demon.

Suddenly, the chanting ceased as I felt a strange feeling in my heart _ it was as if something was trying to get out.

Like that stubborn bit of toothpaste that won't squeeze out of the tube

My breathing became more struggled as I wheezed loudly. It was as if I was having a mini asthma attack.

All of a sudden, I fell off my chair, causing Mrs Weston to lose her grip on my temple.

I gasped for air one last time before I was engulfed in darkness.

Thanks a lot, Mrs Weston!

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