Chapter 15

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The next day, I woke up to a giant monster crouched on top of me.

I just lay there for a few seconds, blinking continuously before I let out a terrified scream.

Almost instantly, the beast leapt down from my bed and transformed into a familiar girl.

"Sophie?" I asked, my heart was still thudding from the shock, "WHAT WAS THAT THING, YOU EVIL BLEEPING LITTLE-" before any other strange bad word could come out of my mouth, Maxine came out of the bathroom with wet hair.

She was wearing a light blue jumper with a black blazer and black trousers with combat boots. She also had a towel around her shoulders so she didn't get her uniform wet.

"I see Sophie's done the classic shifting prank," Maxine said, with an amused expression on her face.

I simply raised an eyebrow. Could that girl be any vaguer?

"Sophie can turn into any creature of choice and usually chooses that creature to prank the newbies. Oh and she's also telepathic with her twin and has water powers just slightly weaker than her brother's."

I glared at Sophie as she smiled innocently. I couldn't help but smile at her childish behaviour. (Just so you know, I am still angry at her to this very day!)

"I've got a spare uniform for you to put on. Go get ready so we can get your timetable sorted," Maxine said as she opened her cupboard and handed me similar clothes but instead of trousers, I got a skirt.

I know, a skirt. It's not as if I had anything against skirts it's just that they aren't really my thing. I just hate how restrictive they are.

Just so you know, this doesn't mean I hate people who wear skirts, I just don't like wearing them.

Although I was grateful toward Maxine, I still wrinkled my nose in disgust.

"I know it's a skirt but it's the only thing I have. Be grateful that I'm not evil! And at least you're matching Sophie," Maxine said, noticing my disgusted look.

I muttered a simple thanks before I headed to the bathroom and took a relaxing shower.

After that, I put my new clothes on: they were slightly large and I had to roll up my sleeves. However, other that, they fit quite snugly.

I then attempted working at my hair. The result: a whole lot of pain and suffering. The constant battle between me and the hairbrush will forever be a struggle.

After another screaming fit, I heard a knock on the door.

"Lisa, are you ok?" Sophie asked, poking her head through the door.

"Oh, it's nothing, just tackling my hair," I replied as I yanked the brush out of my hair and yelped.

"Nothing? Look, sweetie, I ain't a mind reader but even I can tell that you're struggling. Here, let me have it," Sophie replied as she snatched the hairbrush out of my hand.

"Get ready for the most painful experience ever," she then said sinisterly.

Oh bleeping no.

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