Chapter 6

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As I walked around the apartment nervously, I called out, "Is anyone here?"

I searched through every single hiding space in the house _ including the drawers.

Hey! Don't stare at me like that! What if someone was able to shrink my family and stuff them into a drawer?

Oh goodness, I'm weird.

Anyways, once I finally circled the apartment, I heard footsteps.

Either it's my family or it's some stranger about to kidnap me.

I think it's the latter.

I quickly rushed into my room and picked up all my heavy books, prepared to use them as a weapon.

I hid behind my bedroom door and waited for the footsteps to get closer.

Once the footsteps stopped, I opened the door and threw one of my two heavy books at the figure.

I then heard a boy yell, "Ouch! Really? On my first mission?"

When the boy entered, more like staggered, into my room, I immediately launched myself at him _ wrestling him to the floor.

The boy was a brunette with brown eyes, about my age. Maybe older, maybe younger. I wasn't quite sure.

Once I pinned him down, I asked the most cliché questions ever.

"Who are you and why the heck do you smell like my mum's shampoo?" I asked.

"Firstly, I'm Ash Harp, nice to meet you and secondly, seriously? Out of all the questions you could've asked, you chose that one?" The boy replied as he raised an eyebrow, his eyes filled with amusement.

"What? Don't judge me, you really smell like my mum! I thought boys had different scented stuff," I replied as I glared at him, "In all seriousness though, why are you here?"

"Well, little Miss warrior, I am here to change your life forever!" Ash said dramatically as he smirked.

Oh, I would kill to wipe that smirk off his smug face.

"Oh, and how will you plan on doing that? I've got you pinned down," I pointed out as Ash just smiled.

"Easy," was all he said before he closed his eyes.

"Really?" I snorted loudly, "You're gonna sleep? You know I could easily call the police."

All of a sudden, I felt a huge, overwhelming sense of nausea hit me.
Then I was practically engulfed in a series of bright colours.

Seconds felt like hours as I felt bile rise up to the back of my throat. I wanted to ask many things but my mouth was practically sealed shut.

After an agonizingly long time, I finally felt something solid beneath my body.

Before I could celebrate, however, I vomited out my breakfast.

Yep, on the floor. Right next to Ash's foot. Yay me.

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