Chapter 10

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When I felt a tap on my shoulder, I thought it was Ash and shrugged the hand away.

However, it was when I heard the voice that I practically jumped out of my skin.

"Hello there, roomie," A female voice exclaimed as I yelped.

"WHO THE BLEEP ARE YOU?" I yelled as the girl let out an amused chuckle.

When I turned around, I saw sue had black hair with electric blue highlights and green eyes.

"Hey, my name's Maxine, pleasure," the girl said holding out her hand.

"Lisa Stone," I replied shaking her hand.

Suddenly, I felt Maxine squeeze my hand tightly, so tight that I almost yelped in pain. Oh, so she wanted to play that game. I returned a tighter squeeze as she grinned, satisfied.

"Congratulations, you passed the first test!" Ash said formally, in an overdramatic voice as Maxine rolled her eyes.

"Actually, I was just checking how strong you were. Wouldn't want any old weak roommate."

I simply nodded sheepishly as Maxine gave me a lopsided grin, "Welcome to the team, roomie,"

Team? What the bleep? Oh well, I guess people in Celestiam were pretty much as weird and sorta cliché as me.

Maxine then patted me in the back as I turned and asked, "Have you got any clothes I could borrow?"

I then gestured to my dirty clothes to prove my point.

Maxine simply opened her cupboard and gestured to her clothes, "Pick what you want," she said as I gasped.

It had many more clothes than I ever owned in a lifetime. Not only that but the clothes were actually clothes for girls and not just some hand-me-down boy's clothes.

Although I could've chosen the flashy, pink dresses, which I didn't even think a girl like Maxine would own, I chose a grey hoodie and a pair of black leggings.

I rushed into the bathroom and took off my brother's old clothes and put on the hoodie and leggings.

To be honest, I like what I saw.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not vain or anything _ just honest. And man did I look good. Well, except for the fact that my hair was a disaster and my face was slightly red and sweaty. Not to mention that my breath still stank from that little vomiting session.

I walked out of the bathroom and looked over at my two new friends.

Wait, wait, wait lemme rephrase that. My two new allies; I still didn't know their motives or whether they are trustworthy or not.

"Come on," I Ash, "Let's get some food. I'm starving!"

From the moment I heard food, I felt very hungry and almost instantly raced after Maxine and Ash.


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