Chapter 31

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"WHAT?" We both yelled at the same time.

Honestly, whenever I want something, I never get it and whenever I don't want something I ALWAYS GET IT!

I could feel my blood boil: why the heck does it have to be with that boy? Out of all the royals? Seriously?

I'm starting to think that this world really hates me.

You know what, I am probably cursed _ that's it! For every good thing, I get something terrible happens.

Anyway, after that, Jamie and I spent an hour of protesting, to no avail.

"Look, this is gonna be a good way for you to let out all your anger towards each other. Just think of this as you trying to beat up the other person without getting into trouble," Elizabeth said, clearly trying to make us feel better.

To be honest, I'd rather go back to being poor. No joke, I hated Jamie that much!

"Look, you," I suddenly turn to Jamie, "If you even think that this means we'll get along then you're dead!"

Jamie didn't even flinch at my words instead he said, "And if you think that I'll go easy on you then think again."

We glared at each other once more before Jamie walked out again.

"Man, that boy sure loves being alone," I muttered under my breath, bitterly.

"Hey, at least try to be a bit nicer to him, you know you're gonna be together for a whole year," Rose said as she looked at me expectantly.

Goodness, that girl is too nice for her own good!

"NO WAY! That boy is the literal bane of my existence! And Sophie's! There is no way I will ever even think about being nice to him!" I snapped all of a sudden, causing the group to flinch.

"What happened between those two is a little complicated... But I promise he means well! Most of the time at least," Rose added, smiling sadly.

I immediately felt bad, however, I didn't care. All that mattered was the fact that my best friend was hurt and it was because of him!

"Maybe you should go to the music room and listen to something nice for a while," Elizabeth told me, "It's very good for calming down your nerves."

I took a deep breath before following Sophie to the tech room _ I was soooo glad that it was a Saturday tomorrow.

Actually, that's probably why I like Friday so much.

Yay Saturday!

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