Chapter 44

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After Sophie went to sleep, Jamie looked at me and nodded solemnly. I smiled sadly at him and mouthed a hi.

Jamie walked up to Sophie and lifted her in his arms.

His expression was strange: he was frowning (well, he always is) but at the same time, looked at his sister lovingly.

Wow, the super cold strong guy has feelings cliché. (Sorry! Sorry! I just had to do it!)

He then carried her over to one of the mattresses that we slept on and gently lay her down.

"He really cares for her, doesn't he," I said quietly as Rose nodded.

"He spent so much of his life here trying to fix things between them. Sometimes, you can understand how much his sister's hatred towards him took a toll on him," Rose said as I nodded in agreement.

"Why did they even drift apart?" I asked quietly.

"I don't exactly know the details," Rose began, speaking in a hushed tone, "But from what I can understand, Jamie developed a superiority complex at a young age. Naturally, he tried to force his ideals onto his own sister so they constantly clashed. I think Jamie's trying to improve now."

I felt slightly guilty then: Jamie just wanted to show he cared _ he just didn't know how and all I did was make things harder for him.

Maxine and Ash put their hands on my shoulders, both of them with frowns on their faces.

That was all I saw lately. Frowns. Sometimes I just wished that I could just bring everyone back. Just to see smiles again.

I then turned to my friends, "Let's go. We need to talk."

Sorry I just had to make it dramatic!

Anyway, we then walked to our usual table.

It was odd, wasn't it? That the place I started to think of as home became a nightmare.

If what I was thinking was possible then we might have a chance to bring back all the missing students, including Charles.

"I have a plan," I simply said as the other two raised their brows at me.

When I was done explaining my plan, they nodded in agreement.

"So it's possible?" I asked, my voice was filled with hope.

"Yep, but it's tricky," Ash replied.

"Doesn't mean it's impossible," I retaliated, causing Ash to smile.

"Fair enough," Ash grinned as I walked over to where Sophie slept.

I practically imagined the excitement on her face which made me run towards Sophie's sleeping figure.

I gently woke her up and explained the plan to her. Almost instantly, her face lit up.

She crushed me in a hug and repeatedly thanked me. I literally felt like Santa Claus _ it feels good to see my best friend happy again.

"Don't worry, Soph. We'll get him back."

At least, that's what I hoped for.

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