Chapter 35

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After explaining my... predicament... to the others, they laughed.

"I told you she'd still have that fighting spirit," Ash said as Maxine rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, you were right, I was wrong. Rub it in my face as much as you like," Maxine replied as I grinned.

I already missed these guys and it hadn't even been that long.

"I must admit, I am incredibly impressed," Charles said, with a playful expression on his face, "I didn't think you'd survive being in the same room as Jamie."

"Oh it was hell... But abyways can you get me some food? I'm hungry."

After that, my friends gave me a plate of food to eat while they talked normally, trying to not bring any attention to themselves.

I munched on my food, slightly uncomfortable sitting in my position and then passed my plate to Maxine who put it away.

At the end of dinner, the others stood up, allowing me to hide in the middle of them.

Once I was outside the canteen, I said goodbye and then ran to the royal's wing.

I was just about on time.

When the others walked in, they found me listening to music in the music room, wearing a blue hoodie this time.

"Hi, Lisa," I heard Rose say as I turned around.

I replied with a nod as I didn't really want to interrupt the song. You know that moment when you're watching something and you don't want to pause it? That's how I felt right now.

I then saw a plate being set on the table in front of me.

"For if you get hungry," Rose said as she left the room.

I then looked at the plate grinning _ there were chocolate chip cookies.

I sighed and leaned back in my seat: maybe life in the royal's wing won't be too bad.

Well, at least some of them were nice.

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