Chapter 4

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After a long day filled with people staring at me or chatting about me behind my back, it was finally time to head down to detention.

Don't get me wrong, I don't exactly like detention but it's better than having to run back home with people staring at me all the time.

To be honest, however, people will stare anyway.

Once I got to the cold, dark detention room, I immediately sat down and started doing my maths homework.

From the corner of my eye, I could see a teacher sitting in the corner with a bored expression on his face.

I felt bad for him: he didn't deserve to go to detention. Unless he did something wrong and this is his punishment.

Ooh, that sounds interesting. The headteacher lets disobedient teachers go to detention as well.

That's genius! The school should totally hire me as like a member of the student council or something _ they really need some good ideas.

Anyway, I could also see other people with detentions coming in with grim faces. Clearly, I'm the only one in the room who didn't mind.

A few seconds later, Mary entered the room. When she caught my eye, she simply glared at me whilst I stuck my tongue out.

That earned me a disapproving look from the teacher.

I know it was childish but what else was I supposed to do? Just smile and wave? No way!

Once I finished my homework, I took out a book from my bag. It was a used book from a charity shop so I was able to get it cheap.

I already read the book so I was able to finish it really quickly. After that, I just stared at the clock on the wall, waiting for the time to pass.

Finally, after the detention ended, I quickly rushed out of the room before Mary could even glance at me and then ran out of the school all the way to my home.

I ignored the stares and whispers coming from the people I passed and focussed on getting home.

I quietly walked up the stairs and into our apartment. I then attempted to go to my room without alerting anyone.

Key word here is attempted.

By the time I twisted the doorknob, mum came up behind me with a disappointed expression and said, "A fight, Lisa. Really? On your birthday?"

Oh, dear. I was up for a day of scolding.

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