Chapter 46

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We were in a room: it was dark, freezing and... ummm... dark. (I needed to add some sort of adjective, ok!)

There were no windows and one but there was one lone door at one end of the room.

Told you it was cliché. I mean, if I were an evil person kidnapping people, I would choose to hide my victims in a not so cliché place.

Don't know where exactly but I definitely wouldn't want it to be cliché.

Anyway, after looking around, I realized that something was missing, or rather someone.

"Where's Charles?" Sophie asked as she looked around the room.

"I don't know," Ash replied bluntly as he looked around the room.

"He should be here though," Maxine murmured to herself, barely loud enough for everyone to hear.

I nodded in agreement. Unless Charles was nearby then we must've done something wrong with the spell.

"CHARLES!" Sophie called out as we all covered our ears. Due to the fact that Maxine was next to Sophie, I felt so bad for her poor right ear.

A few seconds later we heard a faint yell, "Sophie!"

It may have been quiet, but we immediately distinguished the familiar accent.

Quicker than you can say, "Psychos love cliché creepy abandoned towers!" Sophie bolted out of the room.

She zoomed so quick that I had to sprint to keep up.

When we ran out of the room, we found ourselves in a dark, long, narrow corridor.

Dark, long narrow corridors are always a good sign. Am I right kids? (Just so you know, this is all sarcastic. I don't actually mean it, all you way too serious people!)

Anyway, at the very end of the corridor, we found a wooden door. Just a wooden door.

I genuinely believed that there was some monster behind that door because of all the horror books I read.

"If Charles isn't behind this door then the Elements sure love to play mind games," I muttered under my breath as Sophie pulled the door open.

All of a sudden, a feeling of dread washed over me. I had no idea why but I still felt something bad.

The air was slightly colder, my heart sped up for some strange reason and I'll tell you what, I'm just trying to use foreshadowing to show you that what happened next... well you'll see.

And boy, was it some intense drama!

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