Chapter 47

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As we walked in the room, the unsettling feeling intensified: there was something dangerous in this room and it was close.

Very close.

This was exactly like Mrs Fox's effect on people but the complete opposite. Hmm... coincidence? I think not!

Anyway, me and the other three scouted the area, I could tell from their troubled faces that they were also unnerved.

Suddenly, I heard Sophie cry Charles's name. I turned around and found Sophie hugging Charles tightly.

"There you are," Ash said as he joined in the hug, Maxine and I followed suit.

I never felt so relieved to hear his familiar French accent. The four of us stayed like that for a long while.

I could still hear Sophie's loud sobs. She was whispering things like, "We missed you so much!" And, "I was so worried!".

Can those two get married already?

"I'm... sorry..." Charles whispered quietly as a force knocked us back. Looks of disbelief filled our faces before me, Ash and Maxine came back to our senses.

Almost instantly, Ash, Maxine and I sprang into action. Ash and I were Charles's main target.

Every few seconds, Ash would yell a taunt and then teleport away. Maxine used whatever she could find as a weapon and I went as close as possible and attacked him.

Along with a few attacks using my powers.

Before you start wondering how we came up with a battle strategy so fast, lemme explain.

All those battle training lessons with Jamie taught me a lot about strategy. Unlike most normal lessons, lessons in Celestiam are much more useful.

All of a sudden, a force knocked me and the others back, up against a wall.

Chains were attached to our arms and legs.

Almost instantly, I felt my energy drain from me.

It was as if someone pushed an off button on a robot.

I looked to my right and saw Sophie staring at Charles in disbelief, tears flooding from her eyes. Even I was finding it hard not to cry.

I growled under my breath _ how dare he have the audacity to hurt my friend like that? How dare he have the audacity to lie to us?

I felt anger course through my veins, my body was completely shaking. I tried to use my powers but I couldn't, instead, I slumped in my position, panting heavily.

"Well," Ash said, trying to break the silence, "At least this is a pretty awesome plot twist, am I right?"

A pretty awesome plot twist, indeed.

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