Chapter 29

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After returning to the royal's wing, I found most of the royals in the sitting room.

Immediately, Rose bombarded me and Sophie with a bunch of questions. Honestly, these people are too overprotective!

Not only that but I had to repeat the story which made me way more annoyed and grumpy than I already was.

After explaining my story one more time, one of the royals, the one with platinum-blonde hair said, "Well, let's try to forget about that and introduce ourselves. My name is Elizabeth Magnus."

The girl then looked at Leo, one of the royals who entered my room in the morning, expectantly, "What? I already intro- Fine, my name's Leo Potentia. Hello again, crazy lady."

I felt my pride swell after being called crazy.

Then, they all glanced at Blaze who protested, "But I already introduced myself too! Fine! Blaze Decus even though you already know!"

They then glanced at the evil devil, born in hell, Jamie Regall.

"I don't feel the need to introduce myself to someone who doesn't seem to understand what discipline is," Jamie stated bluntly, barely glancing up at me.

"Well, I don't really care, do I?" I snapped; what was it about that idiot that infuriates me so much?

"In that case, I have another reason not to tell her my name."

I simply glared at him and imagined myself pulling his head off and yanking his perfect mop of hair outta his scalp and then burning his decapitated head.

Then after that, I'd drain all the blood from his body, take out all his organs and donate them because some people need them.

I am a very sweet girl, aren't I?

"That rude boy is Jamie Regall, Sophie's brother," Elizabeth said, glaring daggers at him.

"I know, and I already hate him," I simply replied as I smiled sweetly.

Leo, who was watching me closely, then exclaimed, "Hold up, you're that girl who talked back to Jamie! That was awesome by the way! I mean, he's not bad but he needs to loosen up, you know."

"Woah, that was you? Who'd knew you'd end up being a royal too?" Blaze chuckled in amusement.

Almost instantly, Jamie glared at Leo and Blaze before standing up and walking away _ supposedly to his room.

"Even him walking makes me annoyed," I muttered under my breath, causing Sophie to laugh.

"Ignore him," Elizabeth said, "He's always been insensitive."

"I know," I replied, "I came prepared."

I grinned deviously and began thinking about other ways to torture him.

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