Bonus chapter

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Hey... Magus Academy 3 is coming soon and I thought _ I don't have any time to explain how the powers work so... here you go!

PS: I suck at describing so... you know... just bear with me

It was my first official school day in Celestiam as a royal and oh my goodness was I nervous!

Not only did I have to suffer by being stuck with Jamie for the whole week, but I also had to catch up on everything that I've missed.

I knew it was gonna be torture.

The first couple of lessons weren't so bad. The teachers were amazing and Jamie was just... ok... Not annoying but not the best either.

After that, in power control, things started to go downhill.

"Magic isn't just something you can force out. It's like... sprinting I guess... you do it when you want to and you don't need to think too hard to do it. It's the same with magic," Jamie began explaining as I sat on the floor with a bored expression on my face.

That idiot could just drone on and on for hours and he'd still sound like a soulless robot!

"We Celestians have the ability to alter molecules. Whether it is heating them up or completely rearranging them. You, however, are a somewhat special case. You can control the way light enters our eyes but at the same time can conjure light from nothing. I don't know the details but your light energy can somehow interact with physical objects... Even though light isn't matter."

I look at him, hoping that he'd finally get to the part where I can start using magic before hanging my head in disappointment when I realised Jamie was still talking.

He was somehow worse than my physics teacher in school... Ugh, bleep school... Bleep him... I wanna use my magic already!

"Skip the boring stuff and just get to the bleeping point!" I snapped, finally unable to take it anymore.

"Can you just be patient for a bit this is important!" Jamie retorted.

"Does it look like I care? I wanna learn how to use my powers ASAP!" I replied, causing Jamie to glare at me.

"Magic is not just a toy! It is deadly if-" he began.

"If it's used incorrectly it will destroy everything and blah blah blah _ I already know all this stuff!" I cut him off.

I swear, if looks could kill, I'd be six feet under the ground lying right next to my daddy's corpse.

"How can they even trust someone like you with such immense responsibility?" Jamie practically spat.

"What do you mean someone like me?" I practically fumed.

If there was one thing that you should know about me is that I hate being disrespected. I mean, I can tolerate it from time to time but when someone pushes the right buttons, I blow up.

All I needed was one more insult and I would explode.

"I mean someone so irresponsible and outright ridiculous," And that, my friends, is how to make someone blow up.

I glared daggers at Jamie before slowly standing up. I could practically feel my body shaking in anger.

I felt a strong sense of satisfaction when I saw him back up slightly.

"Don't you call me STUPID!" I yelled angrily.

All of a sudden, I felt a strong wave of energy just begging to be released and let out.

All the anger and frustration built up inside of me finally came rushing out in one long blow.

I may or may not have blown up the classroom.

"And this is what I was trying to warn you about," Jamie muttered after an awkward moment of silence.

All of the royals were staring at me astonished, whilst the teacher glared at me.

"DETENTION _ BOTH OF YOU!" She yelled.

Well, bleep.

I guess I won't be using my powers any time soon... hahaha... haaa... I'm screwed...

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