Chapter 45

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It was about midnight when I was rather forcefully woken up from a peaceful sleep.

I am still plotting Sophie's death to this day. No one wakes me up without getting away with it!

"Go away, mum!" I whined as someone started shaking my shoulders.

"I'm not your mum... Also, come on, we're getting Charles back!" Sophie whispered as I grinned sleepily.

I could see Sophie's eyes light up from the moment she mentioned saving Charles.

"Yay!" I yawned as I followed Sophie (who was bouncing like crazy) out of the canteen and into the library, where Ash and Maxine were already waiting.

"Come on, we found the spell," Ash said as he signalled us towards him.

Apparently, the school is very daft and completely forgot about a specific spell. That, or it was just too risky for their taste.

We then looked down at the open book on the table. Its pages were slightly wrinkled and torn. On the book was a sketch of a group of people in a circle.

Next to the sketch was a whole paragraph of words in Latin.

I panicked for a few seconds: I haven't learned Latin yet. However, after I started reading it, I realised that I understood exactly what it meant and how to say it.

Probably a royal thing.

"So, we say this and we find Charles?" I asked as Maxine nodded.

"As long as we keep him in mind, we should be able to find him," Maxine replied.

"Let's do this thing!" Sophie said excitedly. From the moment I told her my genius plan, Sophie became unusually ecstatic.

We stood on a circle. I was holding on to Sophie and Maxine. The book was in the middle.

After a few seconds, we started chanting; I still have no idea how I knew what I was saying.

Anyways, during the whole thing, I pictured Charles. His perfect mop of hair, his bright luminescent eyes and an accent that girls would die for.

Just so you know, that was totally how Sophie would describe him. I am in no way romantically involved with him.

I just like giving compliments.

Before the bright flashing lights appeared, I closed my eyes. I was literally squeezing Sophie and Maxine's hands so tightly.

I didn't want them to know that I was terrified however I was almost certain that the two of them noticed from my tight grip.

Once we felt the solid ground underneath our feet, I opened my eyes.

When I saw the place, I thought well, this is totally cliché and predictable.

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