Chapter 38

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After a painful week of repeating the same pattern, I finally got used to Jamie's torture lessons.

As much as I hated to admit it, Jamie really wasn't so bad. Just... introverted and socially awkward. Sometimes a bit violent when mad.

You know what, I'm starting to think that we're fairly similar. Wait a second, did I actually just think that?

Bleeping hell that thought's messed up!

Despite this, I still hate him more than anything. Though, I always found our arguments more... Fun.

During the weekend, me and my friends were finally able to convince the headteacher to let us go shopping.

I still couldn't believe it took that long for the headteacher to finally let us go out! I mean, true I had a stash of clothes in my walk-in closet but still...

The boys decided to stay (for obvious reasons; Sophie can get a bit intense when doing certain things) but that didn't really matter as Liz, Rose and Lily tagged along instead.

To get out of the school, we went in a carriage as there weren't any environmentally harmful inventions.

So in other words, Celestiam is the better version of Earth.

After a few minutes, we reached a building that resembled a mall.

To be honest, I still don't get how this world is a mix of modern and medieval eras. (Ooh, that's a fancy phrase)

Anyhow, me and the girls walked into the mall or shopping centre or whatever people call it these days.

Apparently, people in Celestiam also had credit cards (another modern thing in a medieval world) so we really just spent the whole day shopping till our heart's content.

However, I may have spent the whole time getting hoodies and tracksuit bottoms. (What? They're comfier than normal trousers!)

After that, Sophie made us all go to her favourite cafe and have a snack... or two... or three... maybe four...

Don't judge me, I'm a hungry woman!

Anyways, after that, me and the girls got a few extra clothes before returning to Magus Academy.

"So... how was your day?" Ash suddenly popped up, causing me to yelp. (I almost dropped my bags!)

"It was incredible!" Maxine replied, "Mainly because you weren't there."

Ash looked at Maxine with puppy dog eyes before whimpering something quietly.

Maxine simply ruffled his hair and walked over to her dorm.

The other girls and I then walked back to the royals wing with clothes that could last me 10 years.

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