Chapter 37

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In front of me, stood not a prince, but a warrior.

Jamie had his leather armour strapped on him. However, it was his large muscles that my the blood drain from my face.

Not only that but he had a sword strapped to his side. A DAMN SWORD!

I am soooo dead.

I mentally wrote my will, thinking about what mum and Mark will get and what will happen during my funeral.

I then imagined Jamie getting arrested after killing me.

Not only did I have to fight him but Jamie was also my so-called instructor; battle training was usually for two partners to exchange battle tips and spar, but seen as I am a beginner, Jamie has to teach me everything.

I gulped before turning to face him.

"So... you're ready to get beaten up!" I said, laughing nervously. I then punched him playfully.

"Calm down, little Miss Soldier," He replied monotonously, "You're not even near that stage yet. First, I need to teach you how to punch."

Almost instantly, my face fell. Punches, really?

I was expecting something like sword fighting or maybe even archery.

"You can't survive a battle without knowing how to punch properly and your attack on me last time was horrible," he explained as I humphed, ignoring how embarrassed I was.

"Now, when I say punch, you- OW!" Jamie suddenly yelled as I punched him where the sun doesn't shine.

"What?" I asked innocently, "I thought you wanted to see me punch?"

To say that Jamie was mad is an understatement.

For the rest of the training session, Jamie wasn't holding back.

He was criticizing anything I did wrong and whenever I did something right he'd just move on to the next harder thing.

By the end of the day, I was sweating like a polar bear in the Sahara desert.

Once I changed, I flopped on the sofa next to Sophie.

"That bad?" She asked as I moaned in pain after trying to face her. The pair from that single session was unbearable.

This week was gonna be impossible.

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