Chapter 7

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After I threw up on the floor I heard a familiar voice say, "I should've probably told you to close your eyes..."

"You think?" I just about wheezed out before vomiting once more.

I could see that boy's hazel eyes filled with a mixture of guilt and amusement.

If it wasn't for the fact that my stomach hurt so much, I would've already strangled him.

After a few seconds of getting over my nausea, I finally realised where we were; or more importantly, where we weren't.

"First of all, where are we and second of all, how did you get me here?" I demanded as Ash just shrugged casually.

"Oh, you know, I may have just teleported you to another world," Ash murmured, clearly bracing himself for me to blow up.

And indeed I did.

"WHAT THE HECK! ARE YOU ACTUALLY SERIOUS! THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE! ABSOLUTELY ABSURD! I have to be dreaming! Please say I'm dreaming!" I yelled at the top of my voice as Ash winced.

"Well... you see..." Ash began nervously until a woman in her late thirties came walking into the room.

"Well, I see you have brought back the girl. Well done Ash," The woman said: from the way she spoke to the way she held herself, I could tell that she had all the authority.

However, what confused me the most was the fact that I felt unbelievably calm from the moment the woman walked in.

"No problem Mrs Fox," Ash replied as he stood up straight, "This one's quite the warrior."

The woman, Mrs Fox, glanced at me and smiled warmly, "She seems like a promising student."

Almost instantly, my eyebrows shot up, "Ummm... excuse me... super mysterious woman... what is going on here because I really wanna go home right now."

By the way Mrs Fox looked at me, I could tell that would never happen.

"Lisa, darling, can you sit down for a moment. Ash, you may sit down well."

From the moment she said that, I looked around the room. From the looks of things, it was an office. It had many shelves with files inside, a desk and chairs and a large painting behind the desk.

I hurriedly sat down, followed by Ash and Mrs Fox, who sat on the other side of the desk.

I stared at her apprehensively as I fiddled with my thumbs.

"Now, I'm sure you want some answers."

Nah, you don't say!

Sorry, too sarcastic?

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