Chapter 3

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I literally couldn't help myself as I sprung at the little rat, letting all my anger loose.

The one thought that went through my mind was that I had to leave a mark on Mary.

Especially when she talked about my dad like that.

I mean, she kinda had it coming, didn't she? With the whole calling my dead father a lying piece of dirt and all.

I leapt into Mary, sending her spiralling onto the floor. After catching her breath, Mary started punching me, aiming for my face.

In return, I started kicking her wherever my feet could reach. Suddenly, Mary reached out to pull my hair, causing me to retaliate by biting her arm.

Around the two of us, I could hear kids screaming "fight! fight! fight!"
Well, humanity is totally screwed.

After what felt like hours of clawing at Mary, I heard a stern voice yell, "GET TO CLASS IMMEDIATELY!"

Looks like Godzilla arrived.

Almost instantly, all the kids who surrounded us scampered to their class, leaving me and Mary panting like a bunch of fish out of water.

Our school bags were on the floor, miles away from where we were. Bleeping hell, I never realized how serious our fight was.

The headteacher, Mrs Jones, glared at us disappointedly.
"Ladies, to my office... now!"

Me and Mary quickly scampered towards our bags, both of us were avoiding eye contact.

Slowly, I turned and walked behind the headteacher with Mary trailing behind us.

My body was aching. I was bleeding, bruised and clearly looked like a mess. To be honest I was glad that my necklace somehow stayed on me.

I snuck a glance at Mary and saw that she was in an awful condition _ just like me. Her bleached hair was all over the place, cuts and bruises covered her body and even some of her clothes were ripped.

Worse part is, the school doesn't have a nurse! How did the government not close this school down?

Anyway, when we got to the headteacher's office, me and Mary sat down in front of the headteacher's desk.

Before the headteacher could say anything, Mary blurted out, "She was the one who started it!"

Of course, Mary would lie like that! She'd do anything to save herself from getting into trouble! Especially when she could put the blame on someone else.

"I don't care who started it!" Mrs Jones yelled as I grinned, satisfied _ at least we would both be punished.

"That's nothing to laugh about Miss Stone!" Mrs Jones then told me as I felt my cheeks heat up, "I am truly disappointed in both of you. As a punishment, you will both get an hour detention after school for a whole week and a phone call to your parents. Now I'd suggest you go to class... now!"

Hurriedly, I scrambled out of my chair and ran to my class whilst Mary sulked back, sending me a glare.

This was going to be a long day.

To be honest, every day of school was.

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