Chapter 28

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"Lisa, can you please explain to me what happened," Mrs Fox said as I sat in front of her.

After the girl told Mrs Fox to come, she entered my room, alarmed at the two unconscious men.

She then contacted someone on her walkie-talkie. A few seconds later, two guards ran into my room and dragged the two unconscious men out.

After that, Mrs Fox told me to go to her office so I could explain exactly what happened.

"Ok, so these two guys just appeared in my room and were like "Oh, there's the girl let's get her" and I was all like, "Not today!" and shot em with a laser," I said dramatically as Mrs Fox raised a brow at my... creative... retelling. Well, I say retelling, more like lie.

I'm pretty sure she didn't buy it. At all. To be honest, if I was her, I wouldn't believe me either.

"Ok, ok, these two men teleported into my room while I was about to sleep. For some reason, I knew they were bad guys and looked for some sort of weapon. I used my high heels to knock them out and the rest is history."

I could see the headteacher's expression change, "Don't worry about that, just make sure you're careful. Something big is about to happen, I can feel it."

I simply stared at the headteacher confusedly; she wasn't psychic, was she?

To be honest, I didn't know much about the headteacher other than the fact that she made me really calm.

She didn't even look like her own son, Charles. Instead of his blonde hair and violet eyes, she had brown hair and green eyes.

Anyway, I then stood up and walked out of the office, only to be bombarded by a worried friend.

"What happened? Are you ok? Who were those people? What did Mrs Fox say? How did you survive two fully grown men?" Sophie yelled question after question.

It practically made me celebrate the fact that Sophie actually cared _ that she wasn't going to backstab me any time soon.

"Ok, ok, calm down mother!" I snapped sarcastically. Then, I explained what happened.

I may have been a little too overdramatic with my second retelling, causing Sophie to almost faint.

Anyway, after Sophie forced me to tell her the truth, I decided to go to the music room with a book and listen to music while I read.

And possibly have a mental breakdown over the fact that I was almost kidnapped...

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