Chapter 30

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After that... intense... moment, Sophie took me to the mailroom.

I know, these people have their own mini post office!

Honestly, the room was filled with a few mailboxes. Some of them had our names on it while others remained unoccupied.

Anyways, I took my new time table because apparently, royals aren't allowed to be with others.

I still had the same lessons but all in the royal's wing and in a slightly different order.

All you need to know is that I have battle training at the end of each day. I will probably mention this the most.

However, there was one subject which almost made me throw up.
"ETIQUETTES!" I yelled loudly as Sophie looked at me sympathetically.

I heard of books which include etiquettes and I knew how it was and how torturous it would be.

I don't think I've ever been so nervous.

"I know, but it's once every fortnight so at least we don't have to suffer too much."

I know, may have been overreacting a little bit but seriously, why do we have to have a whole hour based on manners.

I mean, isn't that what parents are for?

Oh, wait... dad...

Before I could start getting all upset, I quickly thought about something more lighthearted.

I then heard Elizabeth yell, "GROUP MEETING! COME TO THE DINING ROOM NOW!"

"Holy pancakes, since when was that girl so loud!" I exclaimed as I rubbed my ear, causing Sophie to laugh.

"Liz is known as the boss of our group. Trust me, she can get louder!"

I genuinely didn't think it was possible for this crazy girl to get louder!

Me and Sophie laughed before rushing to the dining room, almost bumping into Jamie.

"Watch it!" I snapped angrily before dragging Sophie into the dining room.

On the table, there was a bucket filled with pieces of paper. Around it, the rest of the royals stared at it in excitement.

"Every year, we each have a study buddy to work with for the whole year. We decided to pick out names randomly out of the hat," Elizabeth explained excitedly.

I grinned and nodded for the others to carry on. Leo went up to the box and grabbed a name out, "Ok so... Liz and... Blaze..." the two of them grinned, "Umm... Sophie and... Lily..." Lily was Rose's younger sister and was only 13, "Rose and... me..."

Leo then trailed off as he looked at me apologetically, "Lisa and Jamie"

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