Chapter 34

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After my outburst, Sophie came looking for me. She searched all over the royal's wing until she found me in the indoor greenhouse.

"You alright?" She asked me, gently placing her hand on my shoulder.

I was happy that she actually cared enough to actually go and look for me.

At least she'd be there for me.

"Yeah, just angry," I replied as I shivered; I have no idea why I didn't think of changing my clothes.

Sophie then began fumbling slightly before muttering, "You... You shouldn't hate him too much... We fought because our views don't line up, that's all. I'd prefer if you didn't get involved in all the political stuff."

"Oh shut up! As the greatest friend in the world™, I SHALL DEFEND YOUR HONOUR," I yelled dramatically, causing Sophie to laugh at my weirdness.

"We're gonna go down to the lunch hall, you wanna come?" Sophie then asked as my eyes immediately lit up.

"You mean I get to see the others! Yes, please!" I said as Sophie winced. It looked like there was a catch.

"You have to stay with the heirs, though," Sophie replied as I grumbled in protest.

"You know what, maybe I don't wanna come," I then sat on the floor, cross legged.

I took a deep breath in and started to meditate like on those relaxing TV shows.

I heard Sophie chuckle before walking away, leaving me to do some meditating.

After about an hour of looking ridiculous, I finally decided to do something fun.

When I say fun, I mean something that will get me into trouble.

I got up and looked around, making sure that no one was home.

Then, I rushed to my room to put something new on. Once I found a purple hoodie, I put it on and pulled the hood down.

I took a deep breath in before sneaking out of the royal's wing.

I weaved my way through the corridors before finding the canteen.

I waited for a large group of people to all walk in at the same time and followed them in.

Hurriedly, with my back turned towards the royal's table, I rushed over to a table near Sophie's.

I then got on all fours and started crawling underneath it.

Once I was near Sophie's table, I quickly took a deep breath in before scampering towards the table.

Once I reached the middle of it, I took a deep breath in.

I started poking someone's leg as I came face to face with Maxine.

"Hi," I whispered as she started at me in confusion.

"Guys," Maxine whispered, "Look under the table."

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