Chapter 36

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If I could choose one word to describe what it feels like to spent a whole day with Jamie, then I would choose hell.

I swear that guy is secretly working for the devil.

Actually, I bet you Jamie was Satan himself. Yeah, that must be it.

It was after my favourite two days of the week, the weekend, when the real nightmare began.

I sulked behind Jamie as we walked to class together.

As my "study buddy", Jamie has to stay with me for the whole day. THE WHOLE DAY!

Someone just kill me already!

When the lesson started, I immediately noticed one main difference: the teachers were way more fun.

It was as if they actually wanted to teach us, that they really believed in what they were teaching.

Either that or they were paid extra to be nicer.

Don't get me wrong, Miss Brookes and Mrs Weston are nice and all but the teachers in the royal's wing are just amazing.

They were funny, interesting and a whole lot friendlier.

To be honest, I think that the teachers made sitting next to Jamie a whole lot more bearable.

However, I was still annoyed when Jamie would nudge me and constantly point out anything that was unprofessional, causing me to insult him which would then turn into a massive fight.

After a fairly interesting day, it was finally time for battle training.

I took a deep breath in as I put on the leather armour _ this was gonna be rough.

I then walked into the large training room, patiently waiting for Jamie whilst looking around the magnificent room.

Finally, after what felt like ages, the devil himself (just so you know I'm talking about Jamie) shows up.

I think I might need to start planning my funeral.

Rest in peace me.

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