Chapter 19

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"You are just wasting your time! As a royal you have responsibilities so stop acting so selfish," Jamie added, making my blood boil.

"You can't tell me what I can or can't do!" Sophie snapped at him, "I'm not the heir, being uptight is your job."

"Don't act so immature. Come with me," Jamie's voice was cold and demanding as if he was scolding his own child.

I stood there glancing between the two twins. Sophie was on the verge of exploding while Jamie just stood there, his face emotionless.

Although I really, really didn't want to, I couldn't just leave my friend to face this problem alone.

"Listen, mate," I said stepping in front of Sophie, "I don't know who you think you are just talking to your sister like that. You should be the one respecting her!"

Jamie's eyes then stared at me, I could practically feel shivers along my spine as he said, "I am an heir. The future king of a kingdom. I have three different powers. I am one of the most powerful beings in Celestiam. Now, may I ask who are you to question my authority? Especially when you know nothing about the responsibilities we have."

Many people were now crowding around me: all of them had faces filled with shock, probably excited at the idea of a fight... Drama-hungry piranhas. (I'm not really one to talk.)

"My name is Lisa Stone. I used to be poor as bleep before I got here. I only have a mother and a brother and I still don't know what my power is. But I don't care. I don't care because I have all I need. A sweet room, great friends and most importantly, great food. Not only that, but I actually appreciate my friends. Now, I don't care who you are because you don't have what I have. Well, at least the friends bit," I snapped.

His face suddenly became red in anger. Although I did feel slightly intimidated, I couldn't let that show.

"DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU'RE INVOLVING YOURSELF IN?" He yelled causing many of the crowding students to flinch.

"AND? I WON'T STAND BACK WHEN SOMEONE THINKS THEY CAN TREAT FAMILY LIKE THAT!" I yelled back, "I don't give a bleep who you are, you need to learn how to treat people properly. And most importantly your sister. To be honest, I don't even get why she even bothers to be angry at you. Thickheaded people like you never learn."

Before I walked away, I punched Jamie hard in the nose. True, it didn't crack and it totally hurt my hand more but at least I got the satisfaction of having the last laugh.

I then gestured for my friends to follow me as everyone around us simply gaped.

They parted for us as we walked away from a probably fuming Jamie.

It looked like we were going to be the juicy topic of the day. 

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