Chapter 42

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During this next month, things became a blur of fear.

All we could think of is the next victim of this strange and dangerous phenomenon. (Ok maybe it was more of a crime but I have to make this dramatic!)

What irritated me the most was the lack of control we had over the situation.

That people just disappeared and we could do nothing about it.

That kinda made me feel annoyed since I was the future queen of this world and couldn't do anything to protect the people I was supposed to rule over.

We'd sleep on mattresses laid on the floor and be escorted to the toilet by a teacher and a student.

Not only that but guards filled the school, marching all over the place and trying to find out who was behind all this mess.

However, a few months later, people decided to let their guard down.

Something that everyone regretted for the rest of their lives.

A group of stupid popular kids (I didn't actually know them but they looked popular because there were a lot of them and had too much confidence) swarmed around Charles.

Me and Sophie were sitting by the royals, watching what was happening like the two creeps we were.

Then, Charles stood up and followed the group out of the canteen _ without a teacher.

To say that Sophie was worried is an understatement.

"Do you think Charles's in trouble?" Sophie asked worriedly, causing me to smile.

"Probably some annoying snobs trying to get on Charlie-boy's nerves."

"Do you think he'll be fine?" She asked.

"Yeah, he's strong," I replied as Sophie looked at the door he just walked out of in doubt, "You gotta trust him, he's very powerful and dangerous. After all, someone with the power to borrow other people's powers is hard to fight."

"I guess so..." Sophie murmured.

We then turned around and joined in with the conversation.

"I still can't believe nothing has happened yet," Blaze said resting his head on his hand.

"Don't jinx it!" Leo snapped, hitting his friend, "Whenever a person says something won't happen, it always does!"

"And it works the other way round," I added as Leo nodded in agreement.

"I really hope Charles's fine," Sophie said, sighing.

"Ooh, someone's seems a little too concerned. Is it a crush?" Rose sang, teasingly as Jamie looked up at his twin.

I couldn't exactly read his expression but I could tell he was mad.

They shared an intense stare before Sophie became a bright shade of red.

"Shut up!" Sophie sank her face in her hands, trying to hide her blushing face.

All of a sudden, we heard an ear piercing scream.

Oh bleep no.

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