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It's been three days since I've been staying here. Three days since the last conversation I had with X. For some reason the distance between me and him was escalating when in reality he was staying at the room down the hall from mine.

To top things off Scar also shared a room in the same hall.

"We can be out there." Scar says as he pulls his breathing mask off. "We can be dominating the world you and I."

I was listening to what he was saying, wondering too how different things could be at this moment. "Your one of the most beautiful girls out there. Everyone wants to book you." Scar shakes his head. "But here you are."

I was listening.


I had been wondering these past few days who these girls that kept passing the halls were, each day it was a different bunch but it seemed that with each day that passed less and less clothes were worn. But suddenly it all made sense, it was all so clear.

My eyes landed on X as he walked in with a girl, holding her hand. He hadn't noticed me standing there in the middle of the hall as he placed a kiss on the girls cheek. I was so stunned that I hadn't moved out the way and if it wasn't for Scar pulling me into his arms I would've stayed that way.

I shook my head, finally understanding.

That's what he meant when he said he was going to hurt me but I think what hurt me more was when he passed by me not even bothering to acknowledge I was there.

I should have stayed quiet.

Should have kept my silence. Should've just let it go.

They stopped in front of his door, he was pulling the keys out of his pockets when I spoke up. "X?"

He paused his movements. I can tell I took him by surprise and when he turns to look at me he tries to play it off but I can see it in his eyes that he regrets it but it's only for a second. Instead he gives me a sly smile, "You still here?" He asks.

I lick my lips and shake my head. "Come on baby I wanna play." The girl speaks up, wrapping her arms around him. My eyes finally meet her's as she's raking me up, I can tell by the way she looks at me and clings to him that she sees me as a threat.

"You'll get your's soon cutie." I had to pinch my thighs to keep from tearing up as I watched them. "You should go home Flor." X tells me as he goes back to opening his door. "Go back with that kid you got hanging around, the fool in love with ya."

I open my mouth to say something but Scar ends up being the one to speak up. "You being a clown X. Your gonna regret this."

I was expecting the anger to take over, for X to be pissed off and start a fight but instead the response he gets is a laugh. A casual laugh over the shoulder. "X is she-" He cuts me off.

Turning his head he looks me dead in the eyes and says. "We ain't a thing no more, stay out my business." With a shake of his head he walked into his room along with the girl who gives me one final glare before smirking and heading inside.

I stood there speechless watching the now shut door.

Scar walks around and puts a hand on either side of my shoulder.

I knew he was being mean on purpose but everything seemed to well up and wash over me. I was fighting the tears but now I just couldn't hold it back. Scar shakes his head angrily and pulls me into his chest as I cry. Patting my back murmuring sweet things in my ear while I let it all out.

I wanted to pull away because I knew what this was doing to him, and he was definitely feeling things for me I couldn't and wouldn't allow myself to reciprocate. "I'll be fine." I mumble as he holds me.

Why She Stayed (xxxtentacion)Where stories live. Discover now