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Rocky's eyes were settled over Scar, taking in his presence trying to understand his relation to me and why I chose to bring this person. When in actuality it was Scar who had brought me over here. 

He had made today possible.

"This is my friend Scar." I tell him. 

His gaze finally returns to me, as if he had almost forgotten I was standing there.  "Oh, cool." But his face said otherwise. 

"Oh shit." Another familiar voice says looking at me. 

My eyes immediately find the voice. "Ski." I mumble. 

He smirks. "Didn't think I'd be seeing you any time soon." 

I shake my head, agreeing. "Things happen." 

"Yeah, things." Rocky pushed himself off the wall and headed over to me where he pulled me from Scar and into his arms to give me a long much needed hug. "You look even more beautiful Flor." He whispered into my ear. 

 I laugh because of how nervous I feel and sound. "So what's a sweet, innocent girl like you doing in a place like this?" Rocky asks as he slung an arm over my shoulder. He takes a sip of whatever is in his cup and looks at me waiting for an answer. 

"I'ma go find a seat." Scar mutters as he walks past us. 

Rocky scoffs and Ski gives him a dirty look as he passes by. "That boy want to get with you." Ski tells me with a shake of the head. "But you still hung up on my boy aren't ya?" 

I feel that throb in my chest again, my eyes water up and I have to look away, unfortunately though Rocky notices the change in expression. "Flor, the guy you met is different from the guy here." 

I pinch my thigh. "Shit happens and people change." 

I frown as I repeat his words in my head.  "My feelings haven't." I reply. 

Rocky sighs and starts to walk me towards the dance floor. I look up at him nervous wondering why he wants us to go to there. My heart starts beating rapidly when through the mix of crowds I can hear bits and pieces of his voice. Through the bopping of heads I can make out his dreads, the familiar black blonde dreads. 

I halt but Rocky pushes me forward. The girls make a small little path when they see Rocky for us to walk through but instead I can see a better view of him. 

The memories I have of him surge through me. 

I still remember that first day I saw him walking down the halls of our school something about him had caught my eyes and then as I watched him staring at the ground listening to music through his earphones, without warning his eyes rose and met mine. 

 And when he saw the way I looked at him with a strange yet hypnotic gaze in my eyes he couldn't understand how someone could look at him with eyes full of innocence. I couldn't understand then why I looked at him the way I did but my heart knew from the very moment I laid eyes on him that I would come to love him. 

My hands were trembling as I reached for the necklace he'd given me. "X." I whisper. 

As if he'd heard the sound of my voice he turns around from the group of girls and glances towards us. He does a double take and then keeps his back facing me, not dancing, not laughing...just stays completely still. 

I felt Rocky drop his arm from my shoulder and he gives me a little push towards X. Without hesitating I take those steps that close the distance between us. Putting on a brave face until I'm close behind him. "It's been a long time." My voice shakes, yet somehow the words sound stronger than I actually felt. 

I watch him tilt his head back and let out a laugh. Okay? Turning around to face me those eyes that were looking right at me no longer did they hold warmth but instead were full of hate and disgust that was directed right at me. 


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