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joshua dun was sitting on the couch downstairs, flipping through tv channels when he got a text from his fiancé.

tyjo: joshua.

jishwa: yes, baby?

tyjo: i'm horny

jishwa: hi, horny, i'm josh.

tyjo: not funny.

jishwa: i love you babyyyy.

tyjo: just come here.

josh giggled and went up the stairs and into the room he shared with tyler, finding his fiancé sprawled out on their king sized bed and pouting.

he giggled and crawled on top of tyler, grinning down at him.

"hi, horny," josh smiled.

tyler giggled and rolled his eyes. "that's gonna be my name from now on, isn't it?"

josh giggled and nodded. "mhm."

"so,horny, do you wanna actually take care of your obvious hard-on or just sit and talk?" josh smirked, gesturing to the bulge under their sheets.

tyler blushed deeply and covered his face embarrassedly.

josh grinned and giggled, gently moving his fiancé's hands from over his face. "you're so cute, tyler."

tyler blushed and smiled shyly. "you're so handsome, joshua."

"so, how do we wanna do this? slow and sexy or ju-"

josh was interrupted by tyler pushing him onto his back, quickly ripping off both their clothes.

he was taken aback by his fiancé's sudden burst of confidence, usually having to do most of everything in bed because tyler wasn't sure of what he was 'allowed' to do, even though their relationship wasn't like that at all.

tyler started palming josh through his boxers and nibbled on his earlobe, leaving the taller boy moaning softly.

tyler smiled widely at the sounds escaping his fiancé's mouth.

"w-we gotta change positions o-or i'm gonna cum in like two seconds," josh panted.

tyler giggled and nodded, allowing josh to push him onto his back and line up with him. josh grabbed the lube and quickly got himself ready, looking up at tyler for a nod signaling they could start.

he slowly pushed into him, always wanting tyler to have as little discomfort as possible.

and soon, tyler's slight winces were because of pleasure, and josh started moving in and out.

tyler let out little whimpers of pleasure, it driving josh crazy how sexy his fiancé looked, sounded, and felt.

josh tilted his head back, biting his lip and closing his eyes in pleasure, moaning deeply. "fuck, ty."

tyler released a loud moan as josh brushed against his prostate, gripping the sheets to the point his knuckles turned white.

soon, both boys came and josh rolled off his fiancé, going to get them a towel to clean themselves up with since tyler was always incredibly tired after sex, it taking a lot of energy out of him.

josh returned and cleaned both of them up, tossing the towel on the ground and straddling his husband, starting to gently tickle his sides as he kissed all over his face.

tyler bursted into giggles, becoming an adorable blushing mess which made josh grin, stopping after a couple minutes so they could both catch their breaths.

"i loooooove you, tyjo," he giggled.

"i loooooove you too, jishwa," tyler grinned, kissing his husband's nose. "and i can't wait to marry you next week."


fun fact: i listened to 'this is gospel' five times while writing this

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