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"Stop being so cute," Tyler giggled as he rubbed his nose against his fiancé's nose, wrapped up in Joshua's big, strong arms.

"You stop being so cute," Josh giggled back, rubbing their noses together before kissing Tyler's lips.

"You two are so fucking gross," Brendon gagged, rolling his eyes.

Dallon hit Brendon's side. "Hey! I think it's adorable!"

Tyler and Josh just smiled at each other, holding one another tightly.

"It's your turn, Ty," Dallon chuckled after about five minutes of the boys saying 'I love you more.'

"O-oh," Tyler said, blushing shyly. "Sorry." He kissed Josh's lips then went up, bowling quickly so he'd be back with his fiancé sooner.

"I missed you, baby," Josh grinned, pulling Tyler into his lap so he was straddling him.

"I missed you t-"

"Ok, if you're gonna give him a lap dance, just go home," Brendon groaned.

"Oh, shut up," Tyler said, turning his head so he was facing Brendon, still straddling Joshua. "Not everything has to be sexual, Brendon."

"You cannot truthfully tell me that you two have not fucked," Brendon said.

"We haven't!" Tyler exclaimed. "We're waiting for our wedding night," he said, turning to face Josh with a wide smile, leaning forward and kissing his lips.

"Mhmmm," Josh hummed, wrapping his arms around Tyler's frame. "And you're gonna be soooooo beautiful naked. I just know it."

"Joshie," Tyler giggled shyly, a blush across his cheeks.

Josh grinned and kissed Tyler's lips, this time a bit more deeply.

"Why don't you ever hold me like that?" Dallon pouted at Brendon.

"Because we are people of the 21st century who have sex before they get married just like the other 99% of the population," Brendon said.

"Hey, I think waiting means a lot to both of us," Josh said. "And it makes it even more special."

Tyler nodded in agreement. "It'll be both of our firsts."

Brendon spit out his water. "You're still virgins?!"

"Yeah..." both boys said confusedly.

"You're how old?!"

"25," Josh said.

"24," Tyler added.

"Well fuck!" Brendon exclaimed. "I have some tips for you. Are you into like, bondage, BDSM, toys, daddy/little, degrad-"

"Nope," Josh quickly said. "Nope Nope Nope. Nope."

"We aren't ever doing any of that stuff," Tyler said, hugging Josh's neck tightly.

"We're gonna make it all super romantic," Josh said, squeezing Tyler's waist. "Roses and candles and silk sheets a-"

"And what's the fun in that?" Brendon asked.

"We get to express love to each other in a way that's new and really special to us," Josh said. "I'm sorry, but for me, showing my fiancé love is fun."

Tyler had tears in his eyes. "You're so sweet, Joshua," he said, hugging him tightly.

Brendon rolled his eyes. "Give me a break."

"Brendon!" Dallon exclaimed. "Be quiet! They're super in love and cute and adorable. Let them do their thing! Maybe you can learn something from them."

Brendon flipped Dallon off, tired of Josh and Tyler always being the couple who was just so in love nothing else mattered. He wanted to be like them, but he didn't really know how. It was just... annoying to know he'll never be as in love as they are.

"How long until the wedding?" Dallon asked with a smile.

"Three months!" Tyler exclaimed excitedly.

"Oh my goodness, that's coming up fast!"

"We know!! Everything's in place. We just need it to get here sooner!" Josh giggled.

"Where are you guys honeymooning?" Dallon asked.

"Hawaii," Tyler smiled.

"And I may or may not have a little surprise for after the trip," Josh grinned at his fiancé.

"Joshua!" Tyler exclaimed with a shy smile. "You're so sweet!!! What is it??"

"While Dallon indeed is one of our best friends," Josh giggled. "It'll mean a lot more when I tell you in private."

Tyler smiled shyly and nodded. "O-ok."

"Well, Ty, I think you should find out," Dallon winked. "We should head out. It's getting pretty late."

So both couples got up and exited the bowling alley, hugging goodbye before getting in their cars.

Once Tyler and Josh arrived home, Tyler shuffled into his fiancé's arms, looking up at him as he kissed his lips. "Can you tell me now?"

"We, my dear," Josh smiled. "Are going to travel the world. Not just Hawaii."

"W-what? J-Joshua, m-my job a-and your work a-"

"I talked to your boss. I talked to mine. We have two months paid vacation," Josh grinned.

"Oh, Joshua," Tyler said, throwing his arms around Josh's neck. He was crying.

Josh hugged him tightly back. "I um... I thought the 'theme' could kind of be about making love. I-I wasn't lying when I said it was really important to me, a-and we've refrained from doing it for nearly seven years now. W-we should have our fun with it while traveling."

Tyler sniffled and pulled his head back from the crook of Josh's neck. "You are the best fiancé I could have ever asked for."

Josh blushed and smiled shyly.

"You're so sweet," Tyler sniffled, kissing Josh's lips deeply. "You're so romantic and thoughtful. I love you so much."

"I love you too," Josh smiled.


So, three months later, the boys traveled the world, making love at every stop.

It couldn't have been more amazing.

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