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Joshua William Dun and his husband Tyler Robert Joseph-Dun were both 29, parents of two.

They were married at 21 and 22, having fallen in love at age 15. They enjoyed the married life alone until they were 28, where they decided they wanted to started a family.

So they adopted two children, a boy and a girl. The girl was named Ruby, the boy was named Augustus 'Gus' or 'Gus Gus' for short. Ruby was three and Augustus was one, and their parents were absolutely in love with them.

They were both the sweetest kids ever, loving snuggling with their daddies and playing with stuffies.

But, there was one thing.

Both kids had separation anxiety, meaning when they were away from their parents, it got ugly.

Really ugly.

Sobbing and screaming non-stop, just wanting to be with their parents because they feared being without them for whatever reason.

So they both slept in bed with Tyler and Josh, which was fine, but it meant the two husbands never really got time alone together anymore.

They hadn't gone out on a date in over a year, which was hard for both boys because when they were dating, engaged, and married without kids, they went on a date at least twice a week, followed by a night of making love. And even on the nights that one of them had to work late and they couldn't go out, they still cuddled when they both got home, kissing and smiling and giggling at each other.

But, the boys had kind of grown used to it. Yes, they loved their kids and yes, their kids made them happy, but they weren't nearly as happy as they were when they were first married.

Tyler just seemed kind of bummed out all the time, the time alone with his husband meaning a lot to him, and Josh hated seeing him like that. He wanted to do something special for his husband, but he didn't know what to do or how to get time alone with him.

Tonight, it was Dun Family Movie Night, so all four members of the family sat on the couch and watched 'Finding Nemo.'

Josh wanted to play a romantic movie, but Tyler had to tell him it wouldn't be appropriate for the kids.

Gus sat in Josh's lap, and Ruby sat in Tyler's.

Josh looked over at tyler about halfway through the movie, seeing him looking down sadly and playing with his fingers while Ruby watched the film with great interest.

Josh discretely reached his arm up and wrapped it around Tyler's shoulders, making his husband smile a bit and look up.

Josh grinned and leaned forward, Tyler doing the same, but as soon as their lips came close, they were interrupted by a baby screaming.

"GUS GUS WANT KISSIE!" Augustus yelled, standing up in Josh's lap and grabbing his face, turning his head so he was looking at him.

"JishJish needs to kiss TyTy, Gus. You can have a kissie after him," Josh said gently, leaning back over and kissing Tyler's lips briefly.

Both fathers sighed, just wanting to be able to kiss and not be interrupted.

Ruby, however, was very quiet, unlike her brother.

She sat up a bit and kissed Tyler's cheek, hugging his neck. "I love you, TyTy."

Tyler smiled softly and nodded, kissing the top of her head. "I love you too, Ruby."

The kids called their fathers TyTy and JishJish, it being less confusing than calling them both 'daddy' when they're trying to get one specifically.

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