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"There's my RuRu!" Josh exclaimed as he saw his sixth month old daughter sitting on the couch, looking as malcontent as usual. "Don't you look as happy as ever?" Josh said sarcastically with a chuckle, picking the girl up and spinning her in his arms.

Ruby did nothing. She just sat in Josh's arms with a frown.

"Why're you always so grumpy, RuRu?" Josh asked. "I've seen you be nice and happy before."

Josh knew Ruby couldn't talk yet, but he still acted like she should.

"I think you just act like that so you seem all tough," Josh said, playing with her adorable little tutu she had on.

Just then, his husband walked in. "Hello, beautiful family," Tyler hummed as he kissed Josh's lips followed by Ruby's forehead.

The baby smiled shyly and blushed.

"Oh, look at that!" Tyler exclaimed with a giggle. "I made Miss Grumpy Pants smile!"

Ruby was quickly back to frowning. Josh was right. She liked acting malcontent when in reality, she was quite happy.

Josh chuckled and sat down on the couch, Ruby snuggling in his lap. No matter what mood she pretended to be in, she always wanted snuggle time. As did Tyler.

The three snuggled together while the boys tried to make Ruby laugh or smile, and they were actually successful a couple times.

They loved their adorable, grumpy daughter.

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