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Tyler sighed as he entered his home to find his husband passed out asleep on the couch, a party blower in his mouth and a birthday hat on his head.

The entire house was decorated in red roses and signs saying 'happy birthday, ty.'

He smiled softly and walked over to the couch, running his fingers through Josh's hair. "Hi, Joshua."

"Ty?" He asked sleepily as he opened his eyes. "Tyler..." he smiled softly.

"Thank you for the decorations," Tyler said in his soft, smooth voice. "They're so thoughtful."

Josh smiled and nodded, but his smile quickly faded as he could see his husband clearer. "Baby... baby, what happened?"

"It nothing, Joshua. It's no big deal," Tyler said calmly, wanting to soothe his husband.

"No big deal? Tyler, you have a black eye! And a huge scratch across your face!" Josh exclaimed.

"It was just the patient again," Tyler said. "That's all."


"Please don't be worried, Joshie," Tyler said, crawling into Josh's lap. "It's not a big deal. It doesn't even hurt anymore."

That was a lie.

It hurt like hell.

Josh sighed and held Tyler closely to his chest. "You know, I still think you're beautiful. Even with the black eye and scratches," he said a few minutes later.

Tyler blushed and smiled shyly. "Thank you, Joshua."

"But nobody deserves to be treated like that on their birthday. Especially you. They need someone else working with him."

"He's ill, baby. He doesn't know that he's hurting me when he's doing it. He's so nice when he isn't having an episode," Tyler said.

"But he's hurting you, Tyler. He's causing physical harm to you that's effecting your personal life."

"That's what I signed up for when I applied for the job, Joshie. I love my job. I know you don't, but I do."


"That was me a few years ago, Joshie. I was one of those patients. If there weren't nurses like me there then, I wouldn't be here. We would've never gotten to get engaged and married. I want to help the people, who are like I was, get to experience as amazing of a life as I am right now."

"They're mentally insane, Tyler."

"So was I! And you still loved me! You still loved me and hugged me and kissed me even after my diagnosis. Those people deserve to be loved. They are people. They are good people. They just need a little help."

Josh sighed. He hated that his husband worked at a psych ward. He hated that almost every night he came home with a new injury. He hated it. His husband deserved so much more than that.

"Just... just don't let them hurt you so horribly, Ty, okay? I hate seeing you like this."

"I know, Joshie. I know," Tyler said, nuzzling his nose into josh's neck.

"I just love you so much, Tyler," Josh said, hugging Tyler tightly. "And it hurts seeing the person you love more than anything come home with cuts and scratches and bruises."

"I love you more, Joshua. I promise, if it gets to a certain point, I'll quit. But I feel like it's my job to help these people."

"I know," Josh sighed. "You're amazing like that."

"Oh, hush, Joshua," Tyler giggled softly. "Clearly you're the amazing one for setting up all this."

Josh smiled and kissed Tyler's nose. "Do you want cake?"

Tyler smiled and blushed, nodding his head.

So the boys went and got cake, Tyler's smile half genuine. He was overjoyed about his birthday with his husband, but nothing could distract him from the injuries he had received that day. They hurt so horribly. He was exhausted.

After cake, they opened presents. Josh had gotten everything Tyler had shown even relative interest in.

And, of course, after dinner came their traditional birthday sex, where whoever's birthday it was got to pick exactly what they did.

Tyler, as usual, wanted it to be as romantic as possible. The boys lit candles and sprinkled rose petals on the bed. Josh slowly stripped for Tyler while he undressed his beautiful husband.

They crawled into bed, kissing deeply as Josh straddled Tyler. "I love you so much," he mumbled against the shorter boy's lips.

"I love you more," Tyler replied, hugging Josh's neck tighter as he continued his kisses.

Josh started slowly thrusting into Tyler, holding his hands. Everything was going amazingly for the first few minutes, but a little while later, Tyler stopped breathing.

"Baby?" Josh asked, stopping his thrusts. "Baby, are you okay?"

Tyler came to with a giant gasp of air. "I-I'm ok. I-I'm ok."

"Ty..." Josh said, pulling out and pulling Tyler on top of him. "You're not okay."

Tyler broke down crying. "I-I'm s-sorry, Joshie. E-everything hurts s-so horribly a-and I'm so t-tired. I-I'm s-so Sorry."

"Tyler, don't apologize," Josh said, rocking his husband back and forth. "Don't apologize for anything. Just lie down, ok? I'm gonna go get you some water. We can snuggle and talk when I get back, Alright?"

Tyler sniffled and nodded.

Josh kissed his forehead and headed downstairs to the kitchen, getting his husband a cup of water and some Reese's puffs cereal, knowing that was Tyler's comfort food.

He brought them upstairs, handing them to Tyler before wrapping his arms around him. "I love you so much, Ty. It's nothing I have against what you love doing, I just hate seeing you hurt."

"I-I know," Tyler sniffled. "I-I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry, baby. I love you so much. That's all that matters," he said, kissing his temple.

Tyler sniffled and hugged Josh's neck tightly. "Y-you're the best husband ever."

"You're the best husband ever, Ty. You work so hard that I don't even have to have a job. And you love me and never let me forget it. I just want you to be safe and happy, Tyler. That's all."

"I-I'll quit."

"What? Baby, I didn't mean quit your job. You love doing it."

"B-but you don't like it."

"You do, though. Keep your job, honey. Please. You love it. It makes you happy, and you help people so much."

Tyler sniffled as he buried his face in josh's neck.

"Tomorrow we can have a make up birthday, maybe," Josh said. "We can sleep in and spend the day together snuggling."

Tyler just hugged Josh even tighter. "I love you."

"I love you more, Ty. Maybe we can try birthday love making again tomorrow."

Tyler sniffled and nodded, holding Josh's hand tightly.

"Let's get some sleep, baby."

"O-ok," Tyler said.

"Goodnight, baby. I love you so much."

"I-I love you too, Joshie."

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