Wedding Day

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"Oh my God..."

Tyler smiled shyly as he looked down at his feet after seeing his soon-to-be husband tearing up at the alter.

"How did I get this lucky?" Josh asked his best man, Brendon.

Brendon shrugged and grinned. "You sure did get a good one."

"A perfect one," Josh said.

Tyler looked up and started to walk down the aisle, but he only made it halfway before Josh was running down it. He picked Tyler up and hugged him tightly.

"You look so beautiful, Ty," Josh whispered in his ear.

"T-thank you, Joshie, b-but w-we should probably walk down the aisle, don't you think?"

"Oh. Yeah..." Josh said with a shy laugh.

Tyler smiled shyly and slid his hand into josh's, walking down the aisle with him.

They reached the alter and turned so both their hands were together, smiling as they looked into each other's eyes.

Their suits fit perfectly, everyone they loved was there, and they were about to become each other's forever.

The time of the ceremony where the couple would exchange their vows, but they had other plans.

"The couple has decided to save their vows for their honeymoon," the pastor announced. "Only for one another to hear."

Tyler couldn't be more excited to read Josh his vows.

He had first started writing them three months into their relationship, and now, five years later, he would finally get to share them.

And Josh just wanted to hug Tyler. And kiss him.

"Tyler Robert Joseph, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold through sickness and in health? To take care of and love until death do you part?" The pastor asked.

"I do," Tyler said with a wide smile.

"And do you, Joshua William Dun, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to h-"

"I do!" Josh exclaimed excitedly.

"Well, I now pronounce you husband and husband. Joshua, you may kiss your groom," the pastor said with a smile.

Josh grinned and stepped closer to Tyler, pulling him in for a deep kiss. He wrapped his arms around his waist, and Tyler wrapped his arms around his neck.

When they pulled back, they were giggling.

"I love you, Tyler Joseph-Dun."

"I love you too, Joshua Joseph-Dun."

The boys turned and ran down the aisle hand in hand back to the room Josh had gotten ready in, breaking down in tears and hugging tightly.

"We're married, Joshua!" Tyler exclaimed happily through tears.

"You're stuck with me forever," Josh chuckled; hugging his husband's waist.

"There is no one on earth I would rather spend the rest of my life with," Tyler smiled as he hugged his husband back.

Josh grinned. "I cannot wait for tonight."

Tyler smiled shyly and blushed.

"Just you and me... all alone in our romantic hotel room... no one else on our floor..."

Tyler smiled widely and nodded.

"We'll finally get to spend the night together after all these years," Josh smiled. "But not before consummating our marriage."

That's when Tyler's smile turned a bit forced.

"I can read you like a book, baby. You're nervous for tonight. Don't be," Josh said. "You're beautiful. Absolutely stunning. And we're gonna have an amazing time at the reception and an even more amazing time all alone afterwards, yeah?"

Tyler blushed and smiled shyly, nodding his head.

"Let's go, baby," Josh grinned, holding Tyler's hand and leading him downstairs to their wedding reception.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce to you, for the first time ever, Mr. and Mr. Joshua and Tyler Joseph-Dun!" The announcer called.

Everyone erupted in cheers as Tyler and Josh walked in hand in hand, Josh pulling Tyler in for a deep kiss in front of everyone, making Tyler blush.

"W-we can't make out in front of our family, Joshie," Tyler mumbled against Josh's lips with a giggle.

"Sure we can," Josh grinned. "It's our wedding."

The boys had an amazing time, adoring the night more than they could have ever imagined.

Except, they were both exhausted and didn't have much energy.

"How about we save consummating for tomorrow?" Josh chuckled as he kissed his half-asleep husband's hair.

"Mhm," Tyler hummed, nodding his head and kissing Josh's lips lazily. "I love you so much."

"I love you more, baby. Sleep well, my dear," Josh grinned, holding his husband close to his chest.

It was the beginning of forever.

A wonderful, amazing forever.

And they couldn't be happier.

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