Sleepy Daddy

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Tyler yawned as he walked downstairs, looking up to see his husband sitting on the couch holding their 6-month-old daughter in his arms, smiling and giggling down at her softly.

"I love you, sweet girl," Josh smiled, kissing Ruby's button nose. "I love you soooooo much. I can't wait to start taking you for ice cream."

Tyler smiled softly, his husband looking absolutely adorable being so sweet to their daughter.

"You're so cute, RuRu," Josh giggled softly, the baby smiling up at him. "You get that from Tyler."

The boys had adopted ruby four months ago, and they absolutely loved her.

Tyler continued walking down the steps, walking behind the couch and kissing the top of Josh's head. "G'morning, Joshie," he smiled. "Good morning, sweet Ruby."

Ruby smiled as she saw her other daddy, reaching upwards towards him.

"Do you see daddy?" Josh gasped with a wide grin, tickling Ruby's tubby belly. "Isn't he so handsome?"

Tyler blushed and smiled shyly, kissing the top of Josh's head again before hugging his neck. "What sounds good for breakfast, daddy?"

"What do youuuuuu want for breakfast, daddy?" Josh replied with a smile.

"What does the princess want?" Tyler giggled as he reached down and tickled her, making her smile and giggle. "Something tells me she wants the only thing she can have: formula."

"Here, babe, I'll get it," Josh said, handing Ruby to Tyler. "You haven't gotten to be with her this morning."

Tyler smiled softly and kissed Joshua's lips. "I love you."

"I love you too," Josh grinned. "And I love the princess too, of course."

So while Josh went and got Ruby's formula ready, Tyler held her. He made her smile and giggle by making silly faces down at her.

Josh returned a few minutes later, handing Tyler the bottle so he could feed her. "Is it yummy, RuRu? I promise real food is a lot better."

Ruby quickly drank the full bottle of formula, the boys never having had the issue of her not eating enough.

"I've gotta go to the grocery store," Tyler said.

"I can go," Josh said.

"You don't get to be with her all day on weekdays, baby," Tyler said. "Spend as much time with her as possible. I'll be back soon anyway."

"Okay," Josh said, kissing Tyler's lips. "Love you."

"I love you too," Tyler smiled. "Make sure you eat something too."


When Tyler arrived back home, he saw Josh asleep on the couch, tiny little Ruby resting on his chest as she slept as well.

"Oh my god, this is the cutest thing I have ever seen," Tyler whispered to himself, quickly taking a photo.

He then brought in the groceries, put them away, and started on lunch. He made all Joshua's favorites, smiling softly as he saw Ruby had woken up at the smell of the mashed potatoes.

"You can't have any, RuRu," he giggled softly as he gently picked her up, not wanting to wake Josh. "You can in a few months, though."

He set Ruby in her little play chair that rocked her back and forth in the kitchen while he cooked, the baby watching him with great interest.

Once everything was prepared, Tyler went to the living room, awaking Josh with several kisses to his face. "Joshie, lunch is ready."

Josh smiled sleepily and pulled Tyler on top of him.

Tyler giggled. "I'd love to snuggle, baby, but Ruby's in there and I don't want her getting hurt or anything."

Josh pouted but nodded, lying there for a few minutes before getting up.

He sat down at the table, his eyes lighting up as Tyler set his plate down in front of him. "Ty! Did you make this?!"

"Noooooo, Ruby did," Tyler giggled sarcastically. "Yes, I made it, goofy boy."

"I love you," Josh hummed, pulling Tyler down for a kiss.

"I love you more," Tyler smiled, kissing Joshua back.

He then picked Ruby up and held her while Joshua ate. They often had to take turns eating since one always had to be holding her.

Josh then held Ruby while Tyler ate, Joshua doing the dishes before joining his family in snuggle time in Tyler and Josh's bed.

Ruby lied between her daddies, Tyler on the left, Josh on the right as they watched Finding Dory.

"I don't like Nemo's dad," Josh said. "He seems like a dick."

"Joshua! Not in front of the baby!" Tyler exclaimed, giggling as he covered Ruby's tiny ears, the baby just looking around in confusion.

"Ha?" She asked.

"Don't listen to daddy's potty mouth, RuRu," Tyler giggled.

Josh stuck his tongue out at Tyler, playing with Ruby's tiny, pudgy little hand as he watched the rest of the movie.

And, as usual, Joshua and Ruby both fell asleep.

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