home from war

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today was the day.

the day tyler would be seeing his husband for the first time in three years.

joshua was in the military, and he had finally served the amount of years he was required, which meant he could return home to his husband.

now, tyler was at the airport, his leg bouncing frantically as he held a bouquet of flowers for joshua.

the announcement was made by the flight attendant that josh's flight had landed.

josh had to leave only three days after the couple returned from their honeymoon, and tyler had gone from the happiest boy in the world to the saddest of sad.

he only smiled once the entire time joshua was gone.

and that was when he finally received their wedding photos.

people started exiting the plane, tyler frantically fixing his hair before he started searching for josh.

and, low and behold, the last one off the plane was the tall, muscular, tattooed, handsome boy with ridiculously pink hair in his uniform getting off the flight.

"j-joshie..." tyler whispered to himself, dropping the flowers and sprinting towards his husband.

"ty..." josh whispered, dropping his suitcase and running at his husband as well.

and, naturally, once they reached, joshua picked his husband up, tyler's legs around his waist and his arms around his neck as they embraced.

"baby," josh sniffled, looking up at his husband.

"h-hi, honey," tyler giggled through his tears.

"i missed you so much, tyler dun," josh sniffled, hugging his husband and pressing the long awaited kiss against tyler's lips.

"i missed you so much more," tyler whispered after he pulled back from the kiss.

joshua didn't put tyler down once the entire time they were at the airport, simply rolling his suitcase in one hand while he held tyler in the other, his husband constantly pressing kisses to the side of his face.

they got in the car, tyler driving them home since joshua hadn't driven in a while.

they held hands the entire ride home.

and when they got home, josh hopped out of the car to grab his husband and carry him inside, both boys giggling, crying messes.

"it's still the same," josh smiled as he looked around their home.

"yeah, i-i didn't wanna change anything because it all reminded me of you," tyler said.

josh blushed and smiled, rubbing his nose against tyler's.

"missed you, honey," josh smiled as he kissed tyler's nose. "and that cute little booty of yours, too."

tyler blushed and giggled shyly, hugging his husband tightly and burying his face in the crook of josh's neck.

"let's go cuddle," tyler said, kissing his husband's lips and hopping out of his arms, grabbing his hand and leading him upstairs to their bedroom.

"awww, ty!" josh grinned as he saw the rose petals sprinkled all over the bed along with the candles and fairy lights. "it's so romantic. let me get out of my uniform so we can.... cuddle," he giggled.

tyler smiled and giggled, nodding his head. he followed his husband into the bathroom, sitting on the counter while he undressed, refusing to do anything without him.

"you've still got those hoooooot abs, don't ya?" tyler grinned, poking josh's belly with his foot.

josh giggled and blushed, covering his stomach with his arms. "and you've still got those adooooooorable dimples, don't ya?"

"maaaaaaybe..." tyler giggled, hopping off the counter and changing from his skinny jeans to just his boxers. he took his husband's hand and led him to the bed, both in their underwear as they crawled in and snuggled up together.

"i missed you to much, baby," josh mumbled against tyler's forehead.

"i missed you more," tyler said, pressing a long kiss against his lips. "tell me all about it."

"well, it was just really hard without you there. it was especially hard when i found out i couldn't send or receive any mail. i kept our engagement pictures in my pockets the entire time. all day every day," josh said. "and in my bunk, i'd tape them all up there on the bottom of the bed atop of mine so i could stare at them for hours before i fell asleep."

"that reminds me! our wedding pictures!!!" tyler said excitedly, knowing his husband hadn't seen them.

and so they spent a good two hours in bed, tyler between josh's legs as the bigger boy had his arms wrapped around the smaller boy's frame while they looked through photos and talked about how much they missed one another.

tyler didn't mention the whole battle with depression.

until joshua asked about the scars, he would say nothing.

but, of course, that was bound to happen sometime.

but until then, joshua will never know.


part 2???

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