Drunken Wedding Night

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"This is the bestest day of my life, Joshieeeeee," Tyler slurred with a drunken giggle as his husband wobbled with him to their room.

"Me," Josh burped. "Too."

It was the boys wedding night, and they drank a bit much.

"I think weeeeeeee should have sex," Tyler said, stumbling into the room, Josh nearly falling flat on his face after he lost the grip he had on Tyler that was steadying him.

Josh grinned and nodded, shuffling into the room and flopping down on the bed next to Tyler. But, when he looked over, Tyler was snoring.

"TyTyyyyyyyyy," Josh giggled. "You're a Dun nowwwww. Dun's don't go to sleep without getting sexyyyyyyy."

But, Tyler was asleep.

So much for a romantic night alone.

Josh ran to the bathroom and threw up, it sobering him a bit. He returned with a sleepy smile, now actually kind of understanding what was going on. He changed Tyler out of his suit and into his boxers, doing the same with himself. He pressed soft kisses up Tyler's spine before wrapping his arm around him while they cuddled.

"Goodnight, Sleepy Ty. I love you so much."


The next morning, Tyler woke up with a pounding headache. "What the fuck happened last night?"

"We got married," Josh chuckled.

"We WHAT?!"

"We got married, baby," Josh giggled.

"Awwww, Joshua! We're married!" Tyler exclaimed with a wide smile, throwing his arms around his husband's neck.

Josh giggled and hugged Tyler back. "Mhm. You're Tyler Dun now."

"I'm a Dun?!"

"Took six years of us dating, but yes," Josh chuckled.

Tyler smiled and kissed Josh's lips. "Well, husband, I think we should make up for what we missed last night."

"Is that so?" Josh asked with a smirk.


"I agree," Josh grinned, turning his husband onto his belly. "Let's make love."

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