Broken & Mended

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Joshua William Dun and Tyler Robert Joseph were two 21 years olds who were engaged.

Josh proposed to Tyler, and it was the best day of Tyler's life.

Josh was his absolute everything. Josh saved his life. Everything he did was for or because of Josh. He never thought he'd be loved by someone who wasn't a family member, so when Josh came around, his whole world was turned upside down.

For the good.

Tyler had been going through a deep, dark depression for about two or three years. He was self-harming, he attempted suicide twice, he had no motivation and saw no need in living life.

But then, he met Josh.

Josh protected him. He took care of him and loved him. He listened to tyler, gave him a shoulder to cry on, he made him laugh and smile.

And over time, Tyler started to fall in love with him.

But, he didn't think anyone could love him in that kind of way, so he never mentioned it.

Until one day, Josh asked Tyler to be his boyfriend.

And the rest is history.

Tyler was always the one who was in love with love. He adored all things romantic and sweet, so he constantly set up dates for him and Josh, wanted to snuggle with Josh, everything.

Josh was just kind of in for the ride. He wasn't very into planning dates or whatever, but he certainly went out with Tyler whenever he asked.

Over time, he realized Tyler stopped really asking him to go on dates with him. He figured it was because Josh had never asked him out on a date before, so he started feeling insecure.

This kind of thing happened often: tyler got insecure about almost anything and everything.

So, Josh started asking him out on dates, which made tyler extremely happy.

And, one night, on a date Josh had asked Tyler out on, he proposed.

Tyler immediately said yes, sobbing and grinning and giggling. He wouldn't stop hugging and kissing Josh.

That was also the night they first had sex. It was Tyler's first time.

He really liked it.

They had now been engaged for six months, and the wedding was coming up in three. Tyler couldn't be more excited.

One night, about three months after Josh proposed, Tyler was in bed, waiting for his fiancé to get home from work. Josh typically got home around 9:00 since he started work around 1:00 due to his job.

But, now, it was midnight, and there was no sign of Josh.

Tyler called him thirty times, being sent to voicemail every single time.

Around 1:00, Josh arrived home.

"Joshie?" Tyler asked quietly, having woken up at the shifting of the bed when Josh crawled in.

"Yeah, baby?" Josh whispered back, wrapping his arm around his husband while he spooned him.

"Where were you?"

"I had to finish some stuff up at work, baby," Josh said, kissing Tyler's temple. "I'm sorry, honey. I should've called and told you."

"It's ok," Tyler smiled soft and sweetly. "I'm glad you're home safe."

That was the first time that ever happened.

It happened upwards of 20 times over the next three months.

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