The One That (almost) Got Away

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"Josh, c'mon," Brendon said. "You haven't gone out with us in literally ten months."

Josh just shrugged.

Brendon sighed and leaned forward, grabbing his friend's arms and pulling him up. "Come on. It'll be fun."

Josh sighed. "I really don't want to."

"I know you don't want to," brendon said. "But you have to. I'm making you."

"W-what if I... what if I see him?"

"You won't see him. I promise."

"But what if, brendon? I cant see him. I'm not ready."

"Josh, it isn't healthy for you to just stay in your apartment all day every day. You deserve better than that."

"No I don't," Josh mumbled.

Brendon sighed. "If you won't do it for yourself, do it for me."

Josh sighed but nodded. He put on a gray sweater and black skinny jeans.

Within the last ten months, he had left his house a total of six times. All for grocery shopping when his friends couldn't do it for him.

"Ready?" Brendon asked with a smile as he saw Josh walk out of the bathroom from changing.

"No," Josh mumbled.

"Oh, c'mon. You look great!" Brendon exclaimed.

Josh shrugged.

Brendon took him to his car, helping him in before driving to the club they were going to.

They got out and said hello to the rest of their friends who were joining them before they stepped inside.

Josh just sat awkwardly at the bar while everyone else went dancing.

"Can I buy you a drink?" A man grinned as he sat down in front of josh.

Josh shook his head as he looked down at his feet. "N-no thank you."

"Oh, c'mon. A shot?"

Josh shook his head.

"At least let me see that pretty face," the man grinned, starting to tilt Josh's chin up.

"Josh!" Brendon exclaimed, quickly pulling him onto the dance floor, saving Joshua from the man.

Josh just stood on the dance floor, looking downward.

Several hours went by and everyone was wasted.

Except for Josh.

He didn't really drink.

"Bren, I need a break," Josh said. "I'm gonna step outside for some air."

"Okayyyy," brendon slurred drunkenly. "I love youuuuuuuu, Joshieeeeeeeee."

Josh just nodded, starting to walk out. Brendon was drunk. He opened the door, sighing as he felt the cool air hit his face.

He sat down on a bench, looking down at his feet.

Then, someone came and sat down on the other side of the bench.

Josh looked up as he heard the other person sniffling.

"A-are you ok?" He asked.

The person turned, and he saw the exact reason why he didn't want to come out.


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