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Tyler didn't want the divorce.

He tried to explain to Josh that it was just a rough patch in their marriage and that things would get better soon.

But he wouldn't listen.

Josh was under a huge amount of stress being head of the company, but Tyler didn't understand. He tried to, but he didn't. Tyler was battling depression. Josh didn't understand. He didn't even attempt to.

Tyler begged and begged Josh to please, just stay with him. He was all that he had and the only person he had ever loved. He promised things would start looking up. But Josh didn't want to hear it.


The day had come.

The two were to sign the papers, and it would be over.

Tyler's last name would go back to Joseph. All their late nights making love, all their kisses, dates, anniversaries, their marriage, would all be gone with the wind.

Josh didn't realize it would be this hard.

He dressed himself in jeans and a button-up shirt, in the room he and Tyler had used to share. It was both of theirs until Josh had kicked Tyler out, demanding he now use the extra guest room.

Even though he knew how much sleeping in the same bed meant to Tyler, Josh didn't want it. Tyler's presence just... pissed him off. Even though his husband never did anything but love him.

Tyler dressed himself in jeans and a flannel, trying his best to hold back his tears, but he couldn't. When Josh walked past his room, he heard the sobs. He felt his heart sink, but he forced himself to keep walking.

He knew if he went in, he wouldn't follow through with the divorce.

Tyler composed himself and stepped out, sniffling and wiping his tears one last time before entering the living room. He looked up and saw his soon-to-be ex husband.

"Ready?" Josh asked.

Tyler said nothing.

They got in their separate cars, driving to the facility. They entered, sitting one chair apart in the waiting room. They were then called.

They entered the room and sat down in the chairs.

Tyler didn't say a word the entire time. He knew if he opened his mouth, he'd break down in sobs.

The lawyer read them all the legal terms, but Tyler wasn't really listening. He was losing the guy he stayed alive for. The guy he loved and dedicated his whole life to no longer wanted him.

She then turned the paper around, pointing to where they would both sign.

Josh looked at Tyler then quickly looked back down at the paper, signing.

Tyler hesitated, but eventually signed.

"I now pronounce you divorced," the lawyer said. "May this be an occurrence for the better."

Tyler stood up and took off his wedding ring, setting it on the table and starting to walk out.

Josh leaned forward in his seat, his elbows on his knees as he tangled his fingers in his hair.

He then exited the building after pocketing Tyler's ring. He saw Tyler sobbing in his car, gently hitting his head against the steering wheel. He looked up after a minute to see Josh staring at him. His face went red in embarrassment.

He immediately sat up and fastened his seat belt, putting the car in reverse as he stepped on the gas, still crying. He was gone.

Josh's breath hitched. Suddenly, he felt tears in his eyes. He went to his car and sat in the driver's seat, fully processing what had just happened. He started second guessing himself.

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