Divorce pt. 2

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"Oh, Tyler," Josh said, pulling his best friend into his arms. "I'm so sorry. I know it's so hard for you."

Tyler just cried into Josh's chest.

Tyler didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve to have his heart broken twice.

"I-I don't get it, Josh," he cried. "I-I try m-my best b-but I'm never good enough."

"Tyler, don't say that. You are good enough. You're so, so good enough," Josh said, looking into his eyes.

"N-no I'm not," Tyler sobbed. "I-I've now been through two failed marriages. I-I'm just not meant to be loved."

"Tyler..." Josh said. "I'm in love with you."

"Y-you... w-what?"

"I'm in love with you, Tyler," Josh confessed. "Oh my god, I'm so fucking in love with you. I have been from the day we met back in high school. Even if I didn't show it for a while. You are my one and only, Tyler. I love you more than anything. And I know y-you probably don't feel the same way, but listening to you talk about yourself like that hurts me so much, Ty..." Josh said.

"W-why didn't you tell me?" Tyler sniffled.

"I-I guess, after the whole me showing up to your apartment to find out you're engaged thing kind of made me shut down the whole 'expressing my feelings' department. I-I don't know, Ty, but I've been loving you all these years. That divorce was the worst mistake of my life. Oh my god, you have no idea what I'd do to take it back, but I promise you... I love you more than anyone could ever love anything."

Tyler didn't know how to feel.

Had he actually been in love with Josh the entire time but he was just too scared to admit it?

"Look, Tyler. I-I can't promise you nice things like Dallon can. I-I don't have an incredible job anymore. I-I can't promise you money o-or fame o-or a big house o-or anything like that... b-but I can promise you me," Josh said, looking into Tyler's eyes. "I can promise that I'll always, always love, respect, and care for you. I-I learned from my mistakes. My horrible, terrible, awful mistakes. Let me show you what love is, Tyler..."

Tyler was sobbing, leaning forward and pressing his forehead against Josh's. "J-Josh, I..."

"I-I'm making this all go too soon, aren't I?" Josh asked. "I-I'm Sorry, Ty. I-I don't mean to. I-I promise. I-if you don't feel the same about me anymore, t-that's ok. J-just pl-"

He was interrupted by Tyler's lips against his.

They both immediately melted back into the familiar feeling.

"I-I..." Josh started.

"I love you," Tyler said.


"I-I never stopped, I guess," Tyler said, wrapping his arms around josh's neck.

"S-so you wanna..."

"I-I wanna be together again," Tyler said.

Josh looked tyler in the eyes and cracked a toothy grin. Tyler started giggling, even through his tears.

Soon, both boys were laughing as they held to each other like their lives depended on it.


Dallon and Tyler had joint custody of Elowen, so for two out of the four weeks of the month, Tyler would have her, and for the other two, Dallon would.

There wasn't really bad blood between Dallon and Tyler, just, they fell out of love.

Josh treated Elowen as his own daughter, and she saw him as just another daddy.

Tyler and Josh 'dated' for about a year, Josh proposed, and they got married again. And this time, they stayed together forever and ever.

They made love, they went on dates, they kissed, they cuddled, they played games with Elowen, they went to her dance recitals.

They finally had the lives both of them had wanted for so long.

And it was amazing.

They lived happily ever after, in each other's arms.

The end.

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